
Modeliranje in vodenje laboratorijskega žerjava AMIRA PS600
ID FRANCELJ, MATEJ (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4F77DB061E62A957A8AB113DA07E2FF8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/89e00a38-a7bf-48d8-ae5c-3003d75a4513

Povzetek V diplomski nalogi je opisano matematično modeliranje in simulacija ter načrtovanje vodenja sistema žerjava na vozičku z utežjo, ki je z vrvico povezana na vitel. Obravnavani sistem je eksperimentalna naprava Amira PS600, na kateri je potekalo delo in eksperimentiranje v okviru diplomske naloge. V začetnem delu, ki obsega modeliranje in simulacijo, je bilo najprej treba teoretično izpeljati diferencialne enačbe, ki opisujejo matematični model. Pri izpeljavi diferencialnih enačb smo uporabili Lagrangevo metodo. Z uporabo programskega paketa Matlab-Simulink smo načrtali shemo matematičnega modela. S shemo smo izvedli simulacijo in posneli odzive matematičnega modela in jih nato primerjali z odzivi realne naprave. Modelu je bilo potrebno spremeniti njegovo strukturo in parametre v zvezi s trenjem, da bi tako bolje opisali dinamiko realne naprave. Dopolnjeni matematični model dobro opisuje dinamiko realne naprave. Načrtovanja vodenja zaprtozančnega sistema smo se lotili z uporabo mehke logike. S programskim paketom Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, ki je vključen v programskem okolju Matlab-Simulink, smo načrtali dva mehka regulatorja. Eden od regulatorjev je skrbel za regulacijo pozicije vozička, drugi pa za regulacijo spreminjanja dolžine vrvice. Obema regulatorjema je bilo treba določiti pripadnostne funkcije vhodnih in izhodnih spremenljivk in napisati pravila, ki povezujejo interakcije med vhodnimi in izhodnimi spremenljivkami obeh regulatorjev. Z nastavljenima mehkima regulatorjema smo izvedli praktični eksperiment zaprtozančnega vodenja sistema, preverili kakovost vodenja premika vozička in spreminjanja dolžine vrvice in podali rezultate ter ugotovitve eksperimenta. Nastavljena mehka regulatorja zadovoljivo regulirata pozicijo vozička in dolžino vrvice.

Keywords:modeliranje, simulacija, vodenje, mehki regulator, laboratorijski žerjav
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30796 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.05.2015
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Title:Modeling and control of the AMIRA PS600 laboratory loading bridge
Abstract The thesis deals with mathematical modelling, simulation and control design for a gantry crane with a weight attached to a winch with a rope. The system is based on the experimental device Amira PS600 on which we performed experiments for the thesis. The initial section, which is devoted to modelling and simulation, involves a theoretical derivation of the differential equation describing the mathematical model. The Lagrange method was applied to derive differential equations. Using the Matlab-Simulink software we constructed the schema of the mathematical model. The schema helped us run the simulation and record the responses of the mathematical model which were then compared to the responses of the real device. The model's structure and parameters regarding friction had to be changed to better describe the dynamics of the real device. The modified mathematical model thus provides a good description of the dynamics. Fuzzy logic was applied in the design of the closed-loop system. The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, which is a part of the Matlab-Simuling software, was used for developing two fuzzy controllers. One of them controlled the position of the cart, while the other controlled the length of the rope. Both controllers were designed by defining the membership functions of input and output variables and the rules that make up the fuzzy inference system connecting the input and output variables. Having set the fuzzy controllers, we conducted a practical experiment of closed-loop control of the system, assessed the quality of control over cart movement and rope length, and presented the results and findings of the experiment. The fuzzy controllers ensure adequate control performance of cart position and rope length.

Keywords:modelling, simulation, control, fuzzy controller, laboratory crane

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