
Program za vodenje enostavnega knjigovodstva
ID JAMŠEK, BORUT (Author), ID Fajfar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BDC347FFF711B722645E94E4846A1C0B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a2a35e98-b688-4478-8199-a96f63e5687b

V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno načrtovanje, izgradnja in uporaba programa za vodenje enostavnega knjigovodstva. Uporabil sem razvojno okolje Borland Delphi IDE (integrated development environment) in njegove gradnike za delo z bazami podatkov in manipuliranje z njimi (data access, data controls, gradniki ADO - Microsoft activex data objects), sistem za upravljanje s podatkovnimi bazami MySQL; povezavo med njima sem vzpostavil s pomočjo ODBC (open database conectivity) vmesnika (connector). S pomočjo ukazne vrstice sem ustvaril bazo podatkov knjiga, ki vsebuje dvanajst tabel, med njimi pa vzpostavil relacije ena-proti-mnogo (one-to-many ali master-detail oziroma parent-child). Prvo poglavje je uvod v tematiko diplomskega dela. V drugem poglavju je predstavljeno razvojno okolje Borland Delphi, MySQL in ODBC vmesnik; kaj v zvezi z njimi me je prepričalo, da jih uporabim, njihova kratka zgodovina ter opis osnovnih značilnosti. To poglavje je še posebej pomembno, saj so v njem opisani pojmi, ki so nujno potrebni tako za razumevanje uporabljenih orodij kot tudi osnov knjigovodstva. V tretjem poglavju je zajet glavni del diplomske naloge; ta opisuje razvoj aplikacije od začetka do konca, korak za korakom, v njem pa je zapisana tudi programska koda, nujna za razumevanje delovanja programa. Četrto poglavje temelji na uporabi programa, ki bralcu s pomočjo tipičnih primerov prikaže način uporabe programa (vnos podatkov, popravljanje, brisanje, izpis itd). V petem poglavju so zajete sklepne ugotovitve, težave ter izzivi, na katere sem naletel med razvojem programa, kaj bi naredil drugače, možnosti vključitve dodatnih funkcij ter ideje za morebitni nadaljni razvoj. Šesto poglavje vsebuje preostalo programsko kodo, ki sem jo uporabil pri izdelavi aplikacije in ni bila zajeta v tretjem poglavju. Sedmo poglavje je seznam uporabljenih virov in sicer od strokovnih knjig ter informacij na spletu do seminarskih nalog in diplomskih del. Osmo poglavje vsebuje izjavo o avtorstvu.

Keywords:Program, enostavno knjigovodstvo, programsko okolje, Borland Delphi, ADO gradniki, baza podatkov, MySQL, ODBC vmesnik, tabela, relacije, Lazarus.
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30726 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.04.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Software for Single-Entry Bookkeeping
The thesis addresses planning, construction and application of the software for single-entry bookkeeping. I used Borland Delphi IDE (integrated development environment) and its database manipulation components (data access, data controls, components ADO - Microsoft activex data objects), MySQL relational database management system (RDBMS) and for establishing connection ODBC (open database conectivity) connector. Using the command line I created a database named knjiga that includes twelve tables with one-to-many (or master-detail or parent-child) relationship. The first chapter is an introduction to the topic of the thesis. The second chapter presents the Borland Delphi integrated development environment, MySQL and ODBC connector; what related to them convinced me to use them, their brief history and description of their basic features. This chapter has a special emphasis since it describes the concepts that are necessary for understanding of the used tools and the basics of accounting. In the third chapter I covered the main part of the thesis, which describes the development of the application form beginning to end, step by step, and which also includes the software code necessary for understanding the operation of the application. The fourth chapter is based on the use of the software (data entry, correction, deletion, printing, etc), with the help of typical examples. The fifth chapter covers the conclusions, problems and challenges that I encountered during the development of the application, what would I have done differently, the possibility of incorporating additional features and ideas for possible future development. The sixth chapter contains the rest of the software code used to create the application that has not been included in the third chapter. A list of resources ranging form technical books, information on the internet to term papers and thesis is included in chapter seven. The eighth chapter contains a statement of authorship.

Keywords:Software, single-entry bookkeeping, development environment, Borland Delphi, ADO components, database, MySQL, ODBC connector, table, relationship, Lazarus.

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