
ID BORSE, BARBARA (Author), ID Maček Lebar, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0C2AD53735FD2F2E2714CE0A30BC478E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/62107187-33ec-455e-b6f4-e91391b41ca2

Vrednost pH medija v katerem se nahajajo celice ter tkiva je eden izmed poglavitnih faktorjev, ki vpliva na molekularne procese, ki so vpleteni v celični ciklus, celično proliferacijo, diferenciacijo, metabolizem, sintezo beljakovin ter na gibljivost celic. Zaradi različnih procesov, ki se odvijajo v tumorskem tkivu, je pH vrednost zunajceličnega okolja tumorja nižja od vrednosti zunajceličnega okolja zdravega tkiva. Za celovito razumevanje vpliva kislega medija na celice je potrebno poznavanje molekularnih procesov, ki so odziv celice na kislo zunajcelično okolje, potrebno pa je tudi poznavanje procesov, ki povzročajo zakisanost zunajceličnega okolja. Dobro poznavanje enih in drugih procesov je ključnega pomena pri načrtovanju zdravljenja rakavih obolenj, kjer je nujno potrebno da se upoštevajo vsi dejavniki, ki imajo bistven vpliv na stopnjo učinkovitosti zdravil. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali kako se tumorske celice med elektroporacijo odzivajo na medij z nižjim pH. Za boljše razumevanje vpliva kislega medija na elektroporacijo tumorskih celic smo najprej raziskali kako kisli medij vpliva na celice, pri tem smo posebno pozornost posvetili integrinom. Integrini so adhezijskih proteinski receptorji, ki prenašajo signale skozi plazemsko membrano ter sprožajo vezavo ligandov s čimer prisilijo prenos signala preko citoskeleta. Omogočajo regulacijo citoskeletne organizacije, regulacijo gibljivosti celic omogočajo pa tudi spreminjanje tokovnih poti znotrajceličnih signalov (angiogeneza, oblika celice, proliferacija, celično preživetje). Študije so pokazale, da ima kisli zunajcelični pH pomemben vpliv na aktivacijo integrinov. Primerjava rezultatov elektroporacije v običajnem rastnem mediju ter elektroporacije v kislem mediju je pokazala, da je delež preživelih celic v kislem mediju (pH=6,7) višji kot običajnem mediju (pH=7,84).

Keywords:pH, kisel celični medij, integrini, tumorske celice, elektroporacija, celično preživetje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30677 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2015
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Title:Growth and electroporation of tumor cells in a medium with a lower pH
Extracellular pH is one of the main factors, which affects molecular processes involved in cell cycle, cell proliferation, differentiation, metabolism, protein synthesis, and motility of cells. Due to the different processes that take place in the tumor tissue, the pH of the extracellular tumor environment is lower than the pH value of the extracellular environment of healthy tissue. For a comprehensive understanding of the impact of acidic medium on cells we need to understand molecular processes that are cell response to the changes of extracellular pH and it is also necessary to understand the processes that cause acidification of the extracellular environment. Good understanding of processes is crucial in planning treatment of cancer, where it is necessary to take into account all the factors that have a significant impact on the level of effectiveness of medicines. In this thesis, we have studied howtumor cells behave during electroporation in media with a lower pH value. For a better understanding of the impact of the acidic medium on electroporation of tumor cells we first investigated how acidic medium affects the cells, special attention was put on integrins. Integrins are adhesion protein receptors that transmit signals through the plasma membrane and induce the binding of ligands thereby forcing signal transmission through the cytoskeleton. They enable regulation of cytoskeletal organization, regulation of cell motility and have the ability to change paths of intracellular signals (angiogenesis, cell shape, proliferation, cell survival). Studies have shown that the acidic extracellular pH has an important influence on the activation of integrins. Comparison of results of electroporation in natural medium and electroporation in acidic medium shows that the percentage of surviving cells in an acidic medium (pH = 6.7) is higher than in normal medium (pH = 7.84).

Keywords:pH, acidic cell medium, integrins, tumor cells, electroporation, cell survival

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