
Združevanje povezav Ethernet v navidezni kanal EtherChannel
ID VIČIČ, NEJC (Author), ID Hercog, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/210c94d0-d179-4f36-a98f-abcc75dd8cdf

Diplomsko delo obsega opis tehnologije EtherChannel ter podroben opis protokola LACP, ki omogoča samodejno združevanje z minimalnim vloženim delom. Poleg LACP sta v delu omenjena še dva načina, ki ravno tako omogočata združevanje (PAgP protokol, statična konfiguracija). V delu smo tudi podrobno predstavili vse načine porazdeljevanja obremenitve (load balancing). Praktični del naloge v prvi fazi zajema priklop in delno konfiguracijo stikala Cisco Catalyst 3750 v združenem načinu za uporabo tehnologije EtherChannel, v drugi fazi pa priklop in konfiguracijo fizičnega strežnika na operacijskem sistemu Linux CentOS za uporabo tehnologije EtherChannel. Tako na logičnem stikalu kot tudi na fizičnemu strežniku smo omogočili protokol LACP, ki je poskrbel za avtomatsko združevanje. Obenem pa smo nastavili še ustrezno porazdeljevanje obremenitve. Za meritev in zajem prometa na strežniku smo napisali bash-skripto, ki uporabi orodje »IPTraf«. V osnovi orodje že poda nekaj potrebne statistike, vendar je bilo za bolj podrobno analizo potrebno izluščiti podatke iz dnevniških datotek, ki jih je generirala skripta. Obdelavo podatkov in nadaljnjo analizo smo naredili v lupini s pomočjo Linuxovih ukazov. V zaključku so predstavljeni rezultati opravljene meritve in ugotovitve.

Keywords:Link aggregation, EtherChannel, Bond, LACP, 802.3ad, CentOS, IPTraf
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2015
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Title:Bundling Ethernet Connections into a Virtual Channel EtherChannel
This thesis comprises description of technology EtherChannel and detailed description of LACP which provides automatic link aggregation. Beside LACP we mention two more techniques which provide the same (PAgP protocol and static configuration). We also included detailed descriptions of load balancing modes. The first part of the practical task includes connection and partial configuration of Cisco Catalyst 3750 switch for use of EtherChannel technology. The second part includes connection and configuration of physical server with Linux CentOS operating system also for use of EtherChannel technology. LACP, which will provide automatic configuration and aggregation, has been enabled on the virtual switch and on the physical server. At the same time we have set the appropriate load balance mode on both devices. IPTraf tool has been used for measurement and capture of the network traffic. IPTraf basically already provides some of the needed statistics, but for a more detailed analysis, we had to extract data from log files. Data processing and further analysis have been done in bash terminal with Linux commands, using virtual terminal. In conclusion, we have presented results of the measurements and observations.

Keywords:Link aggregation, EtherChannel, Bond, LACP, 802.3ad, CentOS

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