
Analiza ogrodja MonoGame za medplatformni razvoj iger na mobilnih platformah
ID BERUS, ALEKSANDER (Author), ID Marolt, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B3C412079CE726E327F9A1F31D918A47
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e67fa68f-8931-4e4a-9a29-44bf95de8292

Razvoj računalniških iger je zahteven proces. Ob razvoju iger za mobilne naprave se proces razvoja še nekoliko oteži. Potrebno je razviti isto igro za različne mobilne platforme posebej. Vendar imamo orodja, ki omogočajo medplatformni razvoj iger. Orodja za medplatformni razvoj iger nam omogočajo, da igro napišemo v enem programskem jeziku in jo izvajamo na več različnih mobilnih platformah. V nalogi podrobno predstavimo arhitekturo in delovanje ogrodja MonoGame za medplatformni razvoj mobilnih iger. V delu se osredotočimo na tri najbolj razširjene mobilne platforme – Android, iOS ter Windows Phone. Predstavimo nekaj tehnik reševanja različnosti mobilnih platform znotraj skupne programske kode. V nadaljevanju si ogledamo delovanje Cevovoda vsebine, ki olajša delo z modeli in ostalo vsebino. Na koncu razvijemo dve (2D in 3D) demonstracijski igri, s katerima prikažemo delovanje ogrodja MonoGame na platformah Android in Windows Phone. Ogrodje MonoGame olajša razvoj medplatformni mobilnih.

Keywords:ogrodje MonoGame, medplatformnost, mobilne platforme, mobilne igre
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-30032 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.11.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of MonoGame framework for cross-platform development of mobile games
The development of computer games is challenging. When developing mobile games, this process is slightly more difficult. We need to develop the same game for several different mobile platforms separately. However, we have tools that allow cross-platform game development. This tools enable us to write a game in one programming language and it can be run on multiple mobile platforms. In this thesis, we take a closer look at the architecture and functionalities of MonoGame framework for the cross-platform mobile game development. We focus on three major mobile platforms – Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. We present a number of techniques, how to solve the diversity of mobile platforms within a common codebase. Next we look into the Content Pipeline that eases work with game assets. At the end, we develop two (2D and 3D) demo games to display functionalities of MonoGame framework on Android and Windows Phone. MonoGame framework facilitates the development of cross-platform mobile games.

Keywords:MonoGame Framework, cross-platform, mobile platforms, mobile games

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