
Snemanje in produkcija videa z uporabo HDSLR kamere
ID ČEBULEC, NIK (Author), ID Zaletelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D6C0BD95089B161FF17C46C6D24B2D64
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c5589b35-1b3d-452c-a97e-f31e9211a0a3

V diplomski nalogi sem najprej predstavil prodor HDSLR kamer na tehnološki trg, za boljše razumevanje tematike pa sem nato opisal še tehnične vidike in parametre digitalnega videa, ki se navezujejo na HDSLR platformo. V diplomskem delu sem prav tako obravnaval dodatno opremo za snemanje s fotoaparati, v samostojnem poglavju pa je opisana tudi oprema, uporabljena pri izdelavi praktičnega video izdelka. V drugem delu sem se posvetil praktičnemu izdelku, in sicer napovedniku za kratki film Bala Bala, ter podrobneje opisal korake montaže. Zaradi narave obravnavanega področja in za boljši prikaz različnih možnosti je diplomsko delo v veliki meri podprto tako s slikovnimi viri kot tudi izvozi posnetkov zaslona. Skozi diplomsko delo sem želel poudariti pomen HDSLR platforme za samostojne ustvarjalce, predstaviti možnosti uporabe dodatne opreme, opozoriti na pomanjkljivosti tega sistema ter predstaviti osnovni potek montaže HDSLR videa.

Keywords:HDSLR, snemanje, video produkcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-29973 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.10.2014
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Title:Video shooting and production using HDSLR camera
I first introduced the HDSLR penetration on the technology market; for a better understanding I also described the technical aspects and parameters of digital video, which are related to the HDSLR platform. I also wrote about technical features and accessories needed for recording HDSLR video. In the stand-alone chapter I described the equipment used in the production of video product. In the second part, I was almost entirely focused on practical product; the trailer for a short film Bala Bala. I accurately described steps of video editing of the trailer. Due to the nature of this field and for the better display, I supported the thesis with many image sources and exported screen shots. Throughout the thesis I wanted to emphasize the importance of HDSLR platform for the independent artists and to present the possibilities of using additional accessories and also the weaknesses of this system. I also presented the basics of video editing of HDSLR footage.

Keywords:HDSLR, recording, video production

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