
Sledenje objektov z generaliziranim Houghovim transformom : diplomsko delo
ID MUHOVIČ, JON NATANAEL (Author), ID Kristan, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 69B29C3AB0F662993BD5153110E11708
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9a6d9ffb-0c66-4a0d-b106-8d4ce417ae54

Sledenje objektov je zelo raznoliko in uporabno področje računalniškega vida. Pristopov k reševanju tega problema je ogromno, namen tega dela pa je predstaviti nekaj metod, ki se uporabljajo za implementacijo naprednih sledilnih algoritmov, analizirati konkreten algoritem, ki sledenje izvaja z uporabo generaliziranega Houghovega transforma ter načrtati in izvesti izboljšave, ki bodo koristile algoritmovi robustnosti in natančnosti. Predlagane izboljšave temeljijo na uporabi Harrisove detekcije oglišč, Kalmanovega filtra in segmentacijskega algoritma, ki deluje na podlagi Markovovih slučajnih polj. Rezultat diplomskega dela je tako izboljšan algoritem, implementiran v C++, z dodanimi metodami, ki mu omogočajo boljše delovanje. Praktični eksperimenti so bili izvedeni v okolju, namenjemu testiranju sledilnih algoritmov, z uporabo raznolikih in zahtevnih video sekvenc. Rezultati eksperimentov jasno prikazujejo izboljšave, ki so jih povzročile predlagane metode.

Keywords:sledilni algoritem, generaliziran Houghov transform, sledenje netogih objektov, segmentacija, računalništvo, računalništvo in informatika, univerzitetni študij, diplomske naloge
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:J. N. Muhovič
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-29526 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536126403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Object tracking by a generalized Hough transform
Visual object tracking is a very diverse and useful area of computer vision. There are many different approaches to solving this problem and the goal of the thesis is to first present some of the methods that are used for implementation of state-of-the-art tracking algorithms. Secondly, the analysis of a concrete algorithm that tracks the object by using generalized Hough transform and lastly to design and implement some enhancements that boost the algorithm's robustness and accuracy. The proposed enhancements are based on Harris corner detection, Kalman filter and a segmentation algorithm that uses Markov random fields. The result of the thesis is thus an improved algorithm, implemented in C++ with added methods that improve its performance. Practical experiments were carried out in a framework designed for testing tracking algorithms by using diverse and difficult video sequences. Experiment results clearly show the improvements caused by the proposed methods.

Keywords:tracking algorithm, generalized Hough transform, non-rigid object tracking, segmentation, computer science, computer and information science, diploma

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