
ID KOS, TOMAŽ (Author), ID Levstek, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1a0509df-e3bd-4260-8c7c-b3e8b5286c5c

Problematika sodobnih napajalnikov je, da nizkocenovni ne podpirajo naprednih funkcij značilnih za višje cenovne napajalnike, višje cenovni napajalniki pa niso dosegljivi domačim uporabnikom, zato je bil cilj diplomske naloge izdelati cenovno ugoden digitalno krmiljen laboratorijski napajalnik, ki omogoča nastavljanje izhodne napetosti med 0 V in 24 V in omejitev bremenskega toka od 0 A do 3 A. V diplomskem delu smo opredelili splošne prednosti in slabosti nižje in višje cenovnih napajalnikov, določili cilj diplomskega dela ter teoretično predstavili delovanje splošnega stabiliziranega linearnega napajalnika in njegovih sestavnih delov. Predstavili smo načrtovanje strojnega dela napajalnika, tiskanega vezja v programski opremi Altium Designer in izdelavo napajalnika z opisom programskega dela mikrokrmilnika. Zaključili smo z meritvami s katerimi smo preverili pravilno delovanje izdelanega napajalnika, določili njegovo kakovost in podali tehnične rešitve za izboljšavo napajalnika.

Keywords:Linearni napajalnik, digitalno krmiljenje, nastavljiva napetost, tokovna omejitev, kratkostična zaščita, preklopni pretvornik navzdol, 7-segmentni LED prikazovalnik, komunikacijsko vodilo, Atmel Xmega mikrokrmilnik, digitalno-analogni pretvornik
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-29451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2014
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The problem of modern powder suppliers is that the advanced features are associated with high cost. Such advanced power suppliers are not accessible to citizens with average incomes. The primary objective of the diploma thesis was thus, to create an affordable, digitally controlled, laboratory power supply, which allows the operator to control the output voltage, between 0 V and 24 V, and the load current between 0 A and 3 A. Here, in this diploma thesis, we identify the general advantages and disadvantages of lower and high priced power supplies, presents the theoretical operation of a general stabilized linear power supply and its components. We describes, the design of the hardware component, printed circuit board using the software tool Altium Designer, present a detailed description of the microcontroller program. Finally we characterize the functional properties of the power supply and presents specific technical solutions intended to improve the functionality of the device.

Keywords:Linear power supply, digitally controlled, adjustable voltage, current limit, short-circuit protection, buck converter, 7-segment LED display, communication bus, Atmel Xmega microcontroller, digital-to-analog converter

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