
Uporaba programa SAP2000 za projektiranje armiranobetonskih okvirov po standardu Evrokod 8 : diplomska naloga
ID Besednjak, Dani (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je testiran algoritem programa SAP2000 za dimenzioniranje betonskih okvirnih konstrukcij na DCM stopnjo duktilnosti po standardu Evrokod 8. Uporabo programa smo testirali na primerih šest-etažne in enajst-etažne armiranobetonske okvirne stavbe. Podrobno je opisano dimenzioniranje gred in stebrov v okvirnih konstrukcijah po metodi načrtovanja nosilnosti, ki jo uvaja Evrokod 8. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na 3 dele. V prvemu so obravnavani vplivi na konstrukcijo ter analiza konstrukcije. Sledi prikaz dimenzioniranja prostorskih okvirov na stopnjo duktilnosti DCM. V zadnjem delu primerjamo rezultate dimenzioniranja s programom SAP2000 s ”peš” računom. Ugotovili smo tri pomanjkljivosti algoritma programa SAP 2000 in sicer pri izračunu projektne prečne sile v gredi in stebru po metodi načrtovanja nosilnosti ter pri kontroli upogibne nosilnosti stebrov po metodi načrtovanja nosilnosti (pogoj Mc ≥ 1,3Mb). Vzroka napake nismo uspeli ugotoviti, ker program ne poda podrobnega postopka izračuna, čeprav je algoritem v priročniku programa SAP2000 v skladu s predpisanim postopkom dimenzioniranja po standardu Evrokod 8. Dimenzioniranje elementov s programom SAP2000 brez upoštevanja standarda Evrokod 8 daje korektne rezultate.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska dela, UNI, dimenzioniranje, SAP 2000, Evrokod 8, armiranobetonske okvirne stavbe, primerjava rezultatov
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Besednjak]
Number of pages:XI, 85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-28032-f15cd0b9-2c2d-bb0d-b8da-027783556a04 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6050401 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Seismic design of reinforced concrete frames according to the Eurocode 8 by utilizing SAP 2000 : graduation thesis
Assessed is the adequacy of the SAP2000 algorithm for design of reinforced concrete frames for ductility class medium according to Eurocode 8. The use of the program was demonstrated by means of a six-storey and eleven-storey reinforced concrete frame building. Described is design process of beams and columns according to the capacity design rules prescribed by Eurocode 8. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the description of the actions on the building and assessment of corresponding internal forces. Next, the structures are designed for ductility class medium. In the third part, results obtained by SAP2000 are compared by those obtained according to hand calculations. Three shortcomings were found in the SAP algorithm. Namely, the design shear force of beams and columns was not assessed entirely according to capacity design approach prescribed by Eurocode 8. Similar observation can be made for the check of columns bending capacity (strong column – weak beam). The source for such inconsistency could not be found since the program does not provide a detailed output. However, SAP2000 gives correct results for the design of beams and columns without consideration of Eurocode 8 principles.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, design, SAP 2000, Eurocode 8, reinforced concrete frames, results comparison

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