The article deals with Muslim religious minorities in Western Europe. Most of the scholars agree that there are between 12 and 15 millions of Muslims livingin that part of Europe. However, this number has been rising rapidly due to the constant immigration and relatively high fertility rate. Muslim minorities in Western Europe are, to a large extent, results of economic immigration. The bulk of West European Muslims is settled in the three most numerous countries of Western Europe - Germany, France and Britain. The author deals with Muslims in the above-mentioned countries, mainly from the vantage point of their integration/getoisation in their host - societies. The main idea is that Muslims, despite the fact that they usually have the lowest paid jobs, are economically integrated in the society at large. On the other hand, they are still not integrated in terms of culture and politics. This is especially true in Germany, where ethnocentric concept of German nation (Blut und Boden) until recently obstructed Muslims - they are mostly of Turkish extraction - to acquire German citizenship. The fact is that in the last few years more fundamentalist interpretations have been spreading among the Muslims in Western Europe: this phenomenon has been partly caused by processesin the wider Islamic world, but it is also a reaction of Muslims on their marginalisation within their host societies.