Three processes represent the growth and development of nonprofit-voluntary organizations. These are the processes of professionalisations, etatisation (governmentalisation) and marketisation. The article first examines the complex relations between the three processes and formal volunteerism, which is (for many scholars) one of the distinctive features of NVOs. The author attempts further to answer the question of why professionalisation of NVOs is in some societies based more on their etatisation (governmentalisation) while in others it depends on the 'marketisation' process. The findings show that both, the etatisation and marketisation processes, strengthen the tendency of professionalisation, and that all three together change the role and position of volunteers within NVOs. What is more, it is the logic of conservative-corporate type of welfare system that primarily justifies the utilization of NVOs by governments (the etatisation process), facilitates, requires and strengthens their professionalisation and changes the role and the position of volunteers within the NVOs; and it is the logic of liberal type of welfare system that turns NVOs toward the market (marketisation process), facilitates their professionalisation, requires specialization of roles and narrows the space for voluntary action.