
Vpliv strukture žagalnih strojev na kapaciteto žagalnice : diplomsko delo (visokošolski strokovni študij)
ID Ocepek, Damjan (Author), ID Gornik Bučar, Dominika (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bučar, Bojan (Comentor), ID Medič, Marijan (Reviewer)

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MD5: B9E6F65BEC7118658DA3D74C7AF254E1
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/795bf7f0-361e-41cc-b1a2-821007b6664c

Za strešne in ostale konstrukcije se uporabljajo lepljeni nosilci različnih dimenzij, ki jih izdelujejo tudi v podjetju SVEA d.d.. Surovino dobavlja Svein žagarski obrat, ki je opremljen s primarnim strojem, polnojarmenikom. Obstoječa tehnologija ne zadošča potrebam proizvodnje lepljenih nosilcev, zato so se v podjetju odločili za nadgradnjo tehnologije s sekundarnim strojem. Določili smo hipotetično najboljše izkoristke naročila in optimalno strukturo hlodov za izvedbo naročila. Predvideli smo različne strukture žagalnih strojev, določili kapacitete strojev in potrebne čase za izdelavo naročila. Primarni stroj z največjo kapaciteto je quadro postavitev tračnih žagalnih strojev. Sekundarni stroj z največjo kapaciteto je dvoosni večlistni krožni žagalni stroj. Na osnovi analize kapacitete in ob upoštevanju zahteve po ohranitvi polnojarmenika smo predlagali primerno kombinacijo žagalnih strojev in predvideli povečanje kapacitete žagalnice; ta bi se s predlagano rešitvijo povečala za 18.700 m3.

Keywords:žagalnica, polnojarmenik, dvoosni večlistni krožni žagalni stroj, izkoristek
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Ocepek]
Number of pages:XII, 70 f., [2 f. pril.]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1541001 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of the structure of sawing machines on the sawmill capacity : graduation thesis (higher professional studies)
Laminated beams of various dimensions, also manufactured by SVEA d.d, can be used for roof and other constructions. Raw material for them in SVEA is supplied by their own sawmill, equipped with a primary machine, a frame saw. The existing technology does not suffice for manufacturing bonded carriers; therefore, the company people decided to improve technology with an additional machine. Best order yields so as optimal log structure for order realization were hypothetically defined. Various structures of sawing machines were anticipated, machine capacities and needed times for order realization defined. Primary machine with the largest capacity is a "quadro" installation of band-sawing machines. Additional machine with the biggest capacity is double arbour circular resaw. On the basis of capacity analysis and considering request for preservation of the frame saw a suitable combination of sawing machines was proposed, and capacity increase of the sawmill anticipated. In this way the sawmill capacity would be increased for 18,700 m3.

Keywords:sawmill, frame saw, double arbour circular resaw, yield

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