
It is all up to me : access to education and the discourse of individual responsibility
ID Razpotnik, Špela (Author)

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Todayʼs young people are considered the most educated generation ever, yet their (employment) perspectives are uncertain, the job market is open to them yet offers changed conditions that every day seem to be more exploitative. The transitions of young people to work have in the past decades become prolonged, diversified, unstable and uncertain. In the course of destandardisation such transitions have become fragmented. Inequality has also changed in terms of its forms of reproduction and consequences. Success or failure in education are increasingly ascribed to individual decisions and performance in line with the individual responsibility discourse. Even in these new circumstances, education is still a key factor in reproducing structures of social inequality. The article explores dimensions of inequality reproduced by the education system, especially the role of social status and ethnicity. These dimensions (and their intersections) are placed in opposition to the idea of individual responsibility that seems to be an explanation of inequalities in educational success, transitions or access according to all of the reference groups included in the presented research (students, parents, teachers and other school experts).

Keywords:družbena neenakost, izobraževanje, odgovornost
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:Str. 1446-1465, 1546
Numbering:Letn. 48, št. 5
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-22284 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0040-3598
COBISS.SI-ID:8987465 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja
Shortened title:Teor. praksa
Publisher:Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:763652 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Mladi danes veljajo za najbolj izobraženo generacijo do zdaj, medtem ko so njihove zaposlitvene vizije negotove, trg dela pa jim je odprt pod spremenjenimi pogoji, ki so vsak dan bolj izkoriščevalski. Tranzicije mladih na trg dela so se v zadnjih desetletjih podaljšale in postale destandardizirane, raznolike, negotove ter fragmentirane. Tudi reprodukcija neenakosti je zadobila nove oblike. Ne/uspeh v izobraževanju se v skladu z diskurzom individualne odgovornosti vse pogosteje pripisujeta individualnim odločitvam. Tudi v tako spremenjenih okoliščinah, je izobrazba še vedno ključni dejavnik družbene neenakosti. V članku so raziskane dimenzije neenakosti, reproducirane s strani izobraževalnega sistema, posebej še vloga družbenega statusa in etnične pripadnosti. Omenjene dimenzije (in njihova presečišča) so postavljena nasproti ideji individualne odgovornosti, ki se zdi kot vse bolj pogosta razlaga za neenakosti v izobraževanju, ki jo podajajo vse referenčne skupine, vključene v predstavljeno raziskavo (dijaki, starši, učitelji in ostali šolski eksperti).

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