
Nastajanje lesa pri bukvi (Fagus sylvaticaL.) v rastni sezoni 2006 : diplomsko delo (univerzitetni študij)
ID Prislan, Peter (Author), ID Čufar, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gričar, Jožica (Comentor), ID Oven, Primož (Reviewer)

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MD5: B3FA667022412C2C0ED69E83A07B90BC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/598c7d29-5eb9-4ed1-ac36-e2970910c89e

Na šestih drevesih navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) s Panjske reke pri Ljubljani smo raziskali sezonsko aktivnost kambijeve cone ter dinamiko nastanka ksilemske branike 2006. Iz živih dreves smo v tedenskih intervalih, med 24. aprilom in 22. avgustom 2006, odvzemali vzorce intaktnih tkiv lesa, kambija in skorje. Z rotacijskim mikrotomom smo pripravili histološke rezine, jih obarvali z barviloma safranin in astra modro ter analizirali s svetlobnim mikroskopom in sistemom za analizo slike. Opisali smo faze diferenciacije ksilemskih elementov: trahej, vlaken in aksialnega parenhima. Na mikroskopskih preparatih tkiv smo prešteli število slojev celic v kambijevi coni in izmerili širino tekočega ksilemskega prirastka. Dormantna kambijeva cona je bila široka od 3 do 5 slojev celic. Celične delitve v kambijevi coni so se pri vseh drevesih začele med 18. in 24. aprilom 2006. Že 18. aprila 2006 smo zasledili prve celice v postkambijski rasti, sinteza sekundarne celične stene pa se je pričela teden dni kasneje. Na začetku maja je bila kambijeva cona najširša (od 10 do 13 slojev celic). V tednu med 13. in 20. junijem 2006 smo zasledili prva dokončno diferencirana vlakna s popolnoma izoblikovano celično steno. Delitvena aktivnost kambijeve cone se je zaključila med 25. julijem in 16. avgustom 2006, konec avgusta pa je bila branika že popolnoma izoblikovana. Izmerjene vrednosti širin prirastka smo izravnali z Gompertzovo funkcijo. Obdobje najintenzivnejših delitev v kambijevi coni je bilo med 30. majem in 6. junijem 2006. Končna širina branike je bila v povprečju 2537,68 m, čas potreben za njen nastanek pa je znašal 100 dni. Med drevesi so obstajale razlike v dinamiki nastajanja in končni širini ksilemske branike 2006.

Keywords:Fagus sylvatica, bukev, ksilogeneza, nastanek lesa, kambijeva aktivnost, diferenciacija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Prislan]
Number of pages:IX, 68 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-218 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1533321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Wood formation in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)in the 2006 growth season : graduation thesis (university studies)
We investigated the seasonal activity of the cambial zone and the dynamics of xylem growth-ring formation in the 2006 growth period in six beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees from Panjska reka near Ljubljana. We removed intact tissue samples of wood, cambial zone and bark from living trees at weekly intervals during the period from 24 April to 22 August 2006. Histological sections were prepared on a rotary microtome and stained with safranine and astra blue. Analyses were done with a light microscope and an image analysis system. We described the phases of differentiation of xylem elements (vessels, fibres and axial parenchyma). On microscopic slides of tissues, we counted the number of cell layers in the cambial zone and measured the width of the cambial zone and current xylem increment. The dormant cambial zone contained 3 to 5 layers of cells. In all trees, cell divisions in the cambial zone began between 18 and 24 April 2006. The first cells in postcambial growth were observed on 18 April 2006, while secondary wall formation began a week later. The cambial zone achieved maximum width at the end of May, when the cambial zone contained 10 to 13 cell layers. We observed completely differentiated fibres, with fully formed cell walls in the week between 13 and 20 June 2006. Divisional activity in the cambial zone ceased between 25 July and 16 August 2006. The annual ring was completely formed at the end of August. The measured values of xylem increments fitted the Gompertz function with an agreement of 98.7 %. The period of most intense cell production in the cambial zone was from 30 May to 6 June 2006. The average width of fully formed xylem growth-ring was 2537.68 m, and the time necessary for its formation was 100 days. We observed differences among trees in terms of the dynamics of xylem growth-ring formation and its final width.

Keywords:Beech, xylogenesis, wood formation, cambial activity, differentiation

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