
Idejna zasnova preureditve in ekonomska analiza križišča cest R1-221 in R1-223 v Trbovljah : diplomska naloga
ID Klanjšek, Anja (Author), ID Maher, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kostanjšek, Jure (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi je na konkretnem primeru predstavljena medsebojna primerjava dveh variant rekonstrukcije neustreznega križišča regionalnih cest R1-221/1220 Bevško–Trbovlje, R1-221/1219 Zagorje–Bevško in R1-223/1229 Bevško–most čez Savo. Prikazan je postopek planiranja rekonstrukcije križišča z opisom obstoječega stanja, analizo prometne varnosti, podatkih o prometnih obremenitvah in kapacitetno analizo. Na osnovi tega sta bili predlagani dve možni varianti rekonstrukcije: klasično semaforizirano štirikrako križišče in krožno križišče. Predlagani varianti sem medsebojno primerjala po gradbeno-tehničnih, prometno-ekonomskih, okoljskih parametrih ter prostorskih in prometno-varnostnih pogojih. Za vsako izmed variant so opisane projektne rešitve ter izdelana kapacitetna analiza. Ekonomska upravičenost posameznih variant je določena s programom TUBA, ki vrednoti uspešnost investicije na podlagi koristi in stroškov uporabnikov. Primerjava posameznih rešitev je pokazala, da je izvedba krožnega križišča ugodnejša po vseh kriterijih, razen kriterija prometne prepustnosti. Predlagana rešitev krožnega križišča tako predstavlja najbolj optimalno rešitev. Diplomska naloga prikazuje smiselnost prometne študije, s katero medsebojno primerjamo različne variante preureditve in izberemo najboljšo varianto, ki zagotavlja ustrezno prepustnost, je prometno varna, ustrezno umeščena v prostor ter ekonomsko upravičena. Poudariti je potrebno tudi smiselnost ekonomskega vrednotenja investicije na osnovi stroškov in koristi uporabnikov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, gradbeništvo, UNI, križišča, semaforizirano križišče, krožno križišče, prometna varnost, kapaciteta, ekonomska analiza, stroški in koristi uporabnikov
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Klanjšek]
Number of pages:71 str., 10 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-1933 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6018401 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Outline scheme of alternatives and economic analysis of the intersection on roads R1-221 and R1-223 in Trbovlje : graduation thesis
The thesis presents an inter-comparison of two variants of a reconstruction of the unsuitable intersection of regional roads R1-221/1220 Bevško-Trbovlje R1-221/1219 Zagorje-Bevško and R1-223/1229 Bevško-Most čez Savo. The process of planning the reconstruction of the intersection is shown, with a description of the existing situation, the analysis of road safety data on traffic loads, and the capacity analysis. Based on this, two possible variants of reconstruction were proposed: the classic x-junction with traffic lights and the roundabout. The proposed variants were compared with each other by construction- technical, transport-economic, environmental parameters and the spatial and traffic- safety conditions. Design solutions and performance-analysis are described for each of the variants. The economic efficiency of the variants is determined by the TUBA program, which evaluates the successfulness of the investment on the basis of user cost-benefit. Comparison of individual solutions showed that the implementation of the roundabout is favorable according to all criteria, except the traffic permeability criterion. The proposed roundabout preposition was proven as the most optimal solution. The thesis shows reasonableness of the traffic study, with which different variants of the conversion are compared and the best variant is chosen, the one which ensures adequate permeability, is safe (considering traffic safety), properly placed in the surroundings, and economically justified. It is also necessary to point out the reasonableness of the economic evaluation of the investment, based on the user costs and benefits.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, intersection, signalised intersection, roundabout, traffic safety, capacity, economic analysis, user costs and benefits

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