
Nadgradnja obstoječega sistema vodenja kakovosti in ravnanja z okoljem v podjetju Svea, lesna industrija, d.d., Zagorje : diplomsko delo (univerzitetni študij)
ID Frol, Rok (Author), ID Tratnik, Mirko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Oblak, Leon (Reviewer)

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MD5: F0AB84D1B4466F3198E5C9377231ABEC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/43af2649-25c6-4ed0-bfd9-ab258db6ee94

V lesnem podjetju Svea, d.d. smo preučili in opisali postopke za izdelavo kakovostnejših izdelkov in doseganje boljših ekonomskih rezultatov. Predstavili in razložili smo možne nadgradnje sistema vodenja kakovosti in ravnanja z okoljem ter posledice le-teh. Predstavili smo pojem kakovosti, njegove opredelitve ter osnovna načela vodenja kakovosti, ki jih mora podjetje upoštevati, če želi oblikovati učinkovit sistem vodenja kakovosti. Vključili smo tudi predstavitvi skupin standardov ISO 9000 in ISO 14000, njun nastanek, razvoj ter posledice vpeljave v domača in tuja podjetja. Delo temelji na metodah "opazovanja z udeležbo", "analize dokumentov" in "posega v zgodovino" ter na pogovorih s predstavniki podjetja.

Keywords:lesna industrija, kakovost, okolje, ISO 9000, ISO 14000
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Frol]
Number of pages:XI, 82 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-182 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1483145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Upgrading of the existing quality managing system and concern for the environment in the Svea d.d. Zagorje company : graduation thesis (university studies)
The procedures accompanying the manufacturing of better quality products and providing better economic results are studied and described. Possible improvements of the company`s system for managing of quality, and providing better measures for Svea d.d. Company to protect the environment, and the consequences it suffers, are also presented and explained. All the definitions of the term "quality" are explained, as well as the basic principles that the company always has to consider, when it comes to creating an effective system for quality managing. What is also included is the presentation of the ISO 9000 and ISO 1400 standards, their background, development and consequences of their introduction to our and foreign companies. Thesis is based on the methods of "observing with actual participation", "document analysis" and studying of the company`s history", as well as on conversation with representatives of the company.

Keywords:wood industry, quality, environment, ISO 9000, ISO 14000

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