
Uporaba argona in dušika za zaduševanje lesnih gliv : diplomsko delo (univerzitetni študij)
ID Jenišek, Miran (Author), ID Pohleven, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Humar, Miha (Reviewer)

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MD5: 9242BE11065E090F1495DAF4E55E651B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1818775d-20c5-40b0-9a0c-d818215cf066

Leseni kulturno-zgodovinski umetniški predmeti predstavljajo neprecenljivo vrednost, zato jih je treba ob napadu lesnih škodljivcev ustrezno zaščititi. Z neustrezno metodo oziroma kemičnim sredstvom lahko sam predmet bolj uničimo kot škodljivci sami. Za zaščito okolja in konservatorjev ter v izogib morebitnim poškodbam lesenih umetnin, zaradi kemičnega zatiranja škodljivcev, smo ugotavljali učinkovitost zadušitve gliv razkrojevalk lesa z argonom in dušikom. Določali smo sposobnost preživetja gliv razkrojevalk lesa: Coniophoraputeana, Antrodia vaillantii in Trametes versicolor. Preživelost gliv smo merili s spremljanjem dihanja oziroma količino nastalega CO2 in ponovno rastjo podgobja na PDA mediju. Kulture gliv so bile v hermetično zaprtih posodah izpostavljene nizki koncentraciji kisika (pod 10ppm) od 1-5 tednov. Pri dušenju gliv na PDA mediju anoksične razmere niso vplivale na izgubo sposobnosti regeneracije glive Trametes versicolor, razraščene na PDA mediju. Pri glivi Coniophora puteana je vitalnost padala z daljšanjem anoksičnih razmer in po 16 tednih tretiranja se 80 % vcepkov ni regeneriralo. Po prvih 10 tednih se le 13 % vcepkov glive Antrodia vaillantii ni regeneriralo, po 16 tednih pa je delež neregeneriranih vcepkov narasel na 77 %. Pri tretiranju okužene bukovine v ekspirementalnih kozarcih, gliva Trametes versicolor ni izgubila viabilnosti, ne glede na uporabljen inertni plin in čas izpostavitve anoksičnim razmeram. Pri vzpostavljanju anoksičnih razmer z argonom je 1 od 3 izolatov glive Antrodia vaillantii odmrl že po 2 tednih, po 3 tednih pa so kulture micelija potrebovale daljši regeneracijski čas. Micelij glive Antrodia vaillantii, tretiran z dušikom, je pričel izgubljati viabilnost šele po 5 tednih, ko se 1 od 3 kultur ni regenerirala, drugi 2 pa sta za regeneracijo potrebovali daljši čas. Micelij glive Coniophora puteana na vzorcih smreke še po 1 tednu (tudi po 2,3, in 5 tednih) tretiranja z argonom ni obnovil rasti. Ugotovili smo, da je okužbo z glivo Coniophora puteana možno uspešno zatreti. Pri tretiranju z dušikom smo dobili slabše rezultate, saj se 1 od 3 izolatov glive Coniophora puteana po 3 tednih ni regeneriral, druga 2 pa sta za regeneracijo potrebovala daljši čas.

Keywords:glive, Coniophora, Antrodia, Trametes, lesene umetnine, zaščita lesa, dušenje, argon, dušik
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Jenišek]
Number of pages:VIII, 50 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-179 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1477769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Use of argon and nitrogen for asphyxiation of wood decay fungi : graduation thesis (university studies)
Wooden objects of cultural and art historic heritage are priceless and should therefore, if attacked by wooden pests, be conserved in a safe and effective manner. However, by using unsuitable methods objects can often be exposed to great damage than pests. We have facused on the efficiency of asphyxiation on wood decay fungi with argon or nitrogen gas, in order to protect the environment and conservators, and to avoid possible damage of wooden arts. We examined the viability of wooden decay fungi: Coniophora puteana, Antrodia vaillantii and Trametes versicolor. The fungal survival was tested by respiration measurment via CO2 production and determination of hyphae growing on fresh PDA medium. The fungal cultures were exposed to low oxygen concentration (below 10 ppm) for 1-5 weeks in hermetically sealed vessels. Anoxic treatment did not affect the ability of regeneration of Trametes versicolor fungi on DPA medium. Fungus Coniophora puteana with the prolongation of anoxic conditions decreased the viability and by 16th week of treatment, 80 % of incocula did not regenerate. In 1st 10 weeks only 13 % of inocula of Antrodia vaillantii fungi cultures did not regenerate. However, by 16th week the percentage of unregenerated inocula increased to 77 %. Trametes versicolor cultures on samples of beech-tree, exposed to anoxic treatment in hermetically sealed vessels, did not lose viability, neither according to the type of inertive gas used nor according to the time of exposing to anoxic treatment. One third of Antrodia vaillantii cultures died in 2nd week of anoxic treatment with argon, while after 4th week, the time needed for regeneration increased. Antrodia vaillantii cultures exposed to anoxic treatment with nitrogen gas started to lose viability after 5th week of the treatment. In this time one third of them did not regenerate, while the other 2 thirds needed more time for regeneration. Coniophora puteana cultures on samples of spruce did not resume growth, neither within 1st week of treatment with argon nor within 2,3 or 5 weeks. It was found out that it is possible to suppress the infection with Coniophora puteana successfully. Treatment with nitrogen gas did not prove to be as efficacious because one third of Coniophora puteana in 3 weeks' time did not regenerate, while the other 2 thirds needed more time for regeneration.

Keywords:fungi, Coniophora, Antrodia, Trametes, wooden artifacts, wood preservation, asphyxiation, argon, nitrogen

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