
Obremenitev delavca z dejavniki delovnega okolja pri spravilu lesa z zgibnim traktorjem Ecotrac 120V : magistrski študij - 2. stopnja
ID Obranovič, Alan (Author), ID Potočnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poje, Anton (Comentor)

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MD5: FCAC54A86A60866AC3B2DCE7C0644A46
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2eaaa43d-fa42-4abc-b8cf-96cd85330ba9

Namen magistrske naloge je bil ugotoviti težavnost dela in obremenitve delavca z ropotom in tresenjem celega telesa ter raziskati, ali odprtost gozdnega prostora s primarnimi in sekundarnimi prometnicami (razdalja vlačenja) vpliva na težavnost dela in obremenitve delavca pri spravilu lesa z zgibnim traktorjem Ecotrac 120V. Meritve so potekale na območju visokega Krasav južnem delu Slovenije, v mešanih gozdovih jelke in bukve. Skupaj so meritve trajale šest dni, od katerih je spravilo prve štiri dni potekalo navzdol, zadnja dva dni pa navzgor. Sočasno z merjenjem obremenitev je potekala časovna študija. Skupna količina sečnje in spravila je v času meritev znašala 338,2 m3, kar je v povprečju 56,4 m3/dan. Povprečna razdalja vlačenja pri spravilu navzdol je bila 144, pri spravilu navzgor pa 130 metrov.Rezultati so pokazali, da težavnosti dela glede na povprečni delovni pulz v delovniku (44,5 u/min) presega trajno dopustno mejo 35 u/min, medtem koje glede na relativni delovni pulz (34,5%) pod dopustno mejo 40%. Obremenitev z ropotom zaradi neuporabe glušnikov presega opozorilni in mejni vrednosti izpostavljenosti glede na konično raven zvočnega tlaka kakor tudi glede na raven dnevne izpostavljenosti (LCpeak = 140,7 dB(C), LAeq.kor. = 89,7dB(A)). Obremenitve s tresenjem celega telesa izračunane kot RMS vrednosti(RMS VTV = 0,89 m/s2) presegajo opozorilno vrednost, izračunane kot skupna doza tresenja (VDV VTV = 41,97 m/s1,75) pa tudi mejno vrednost dnevne izpostavljenosti. Ukrepi za zmanjšanje obremenitev morajo biti usmerjeni k redni uporabi glušnikov in zmanjšanju dnevnih učinkov ali k omogočanju menjave delovnega mesta.

Keywords:spravilo lesa, Ecotrac 120V, težavnost dela, ropot, tresenje celega telesa, časovna študija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Obranovič]
Number of pages:IX, 123 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-17796 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3660198 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The purpose of this Master's thesis was to establish the physiological work load and the exposure of workers to noise and vibration as well as to determine the level of influence of the openness of the forest area with forest and skidding roads (skidding distance) on the work difficulty and the exposure of workers to physical agents in timber skidding operations executed with the Ecotrac 120V skidder. The measurements were conducted in the high Karst area in the southern part of Slovenia, i.e. in the mixed forest stands of fir and beech trees. The measurements lasted for six day in total, four of which evaluated the downhill skidding operations, while the last two days were reserved for the uphill skidding process. Along with the measurements of exposure to physical agents also the time study, measurements of the skidding productivity, and the determination of skidding conditions were conducted. Thecutting and skidding operations performance during the measured period were 338.2 m3, i.e. 56.4 m3/day in average. The average downhill and uphill skidding distance was 144 and 130 metres respectively. The results showed that the physiological work load in regard to average daily heart rate in a working day (HRwr = 44.5 bpm) exceeded the permanent permissible limit of 35 bpm, while in regard to the relative working heart rate (HRR = 34.5 %) it was below the permissible limit of 40%. The exposure to noise due to the lack of ear muffs application exceeded the action value and threshold values of the exposure according to the peak value of the sound pressure as well as considering the level of daily exposure (LCpeak = 140.7 dB(C), LAeq.kor = 89.7dB(A)). The exposure to the whole-body vibration calculated as the RMS values (RMS VTV = 0.89 m/s2) exceeded the action value, calculated as the total vibration dose (VDV VTV = 41.97 m/s1.75), as well as the permissible value of daily exposure. The measures decreasing the exposures to physical agents need to be directed to the regular use of ear muffs and the reduction of the daily productivity or should address the issue of job rotation.

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