
Opremljenost lastnikov gozdov za delo v gozdu v okolici Tržiča : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja
ID Ahačič, Denis (Author), ID Košir, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C47FABFB6EC53A21C45D96791DE538BE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0082dbb7-cd36-4b5c-bd47-fcd5f1e6dfc2

V diplomski nalogi so obravnavani rezultati ankete, v kateri je sodelovalo 46 lastnikov gozdov iz Gozdnogospodarske enote Tržič. Ugotovljen je bil način realizacije del v gozdu, opremljenost lastnikov gozdnih posesti in njihova strokovna usposobljenost. Pokazalo se je, da večino del v gozdu opravijo lastniki sami s pomočjo svojih družinskih članov. Ugotovljena je bila dobra opremljenost za delo v gozdu. Opremljenost z motornimi žagami je v povprečju 1,5 motorne žage na posestnika, kar ni veliko, je pa njihova starost nizka (7,3 let). Za delo v gozdu ima 71,7 % gospodarjev vsaj en svoj traktor, 15,2 % lastnikov pa za delo v gozdu uporablja dva traktorja. Povprečna starost vseh traktorjev je 17,5 let, njihova povprečna moč pa 47,7 kW. Skoraj vsi traktorji imajo pogon na vsa štiri kolesa. V povprečju je lastnik gozdne posesti v GGE Tržič opremljen z 0,7 vitla, katerega povprečna moč je 47,6 kN. Največ vitlov je enobobenskih z mehanskim upravljanjem. Ker je največji delež prevoza lesa opravljen s strani kupca lesa, so lastniki slabo opremljeni s prikolicami za prevoz gozdnih lesnih sortimentov. Uporaba osebnih zaščitnih sredstev je v anketirani populaciji zadovoljiva. Pri delu so zaščiteni z rokavicami, slabša je uporaba zaščitnih čelad in hlač, najmanj pa je primerno obutih. Ugotovili smo tudi dobro usposobljenost lastnikov za delo, ki ga opravljajo v svojem gozdu.

Keywords:lastniki gozdov, zasebni gozdovi, sečnja, opremljensot, usposobljenost, osebna varovalna oprema, delo v gozdu
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Ahačič]
Number of pages:VIII, 24 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-17778 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3403174 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

The thesis discusses the results of the survey, which included 46 forest owners in forest management unit Tržič. Work methods in the woods, equipment of forest owners and their professional competence were found out. It appeared that the majority of work did the owners themselves and their family members. It was found to be well equipped to work in the woods. Equippement with chainsaws is on average 1,5 chainsaw to a forest owner, which is not much, but their age is low (7,3 years). For work in the forest has 71,7 % of forest owners at least one tractor, 15,2 % of owners in forest using two tractors. The average age of tractors is 17,5 years and the average power of 47,7 kW. Almost all tractors have power to all four wheels. On average, the owner of the forest estate in forest management unit Tržič have 0,7 winch, their average strength is 47,6 kN. Most of them are single drum winch and are mechanical operated. As the largest share of transport is made by the buyer oftimber, the owners are poorly equipped with trailers for the transport of wood assortments. Use of personal protective equipment is in surveyed population satisfactory. At work they are protected by gloves, the lower is use of the helmets and protective pants, but the most have not the appropriate work shoes. We also found out the good capacity of forest owners for work in forest.

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