
Doživljanje spremenjene strukture dneva, okupacij in vlog po upokojitvi : diplomsko delo
ID Slovša, Greta (Author), ID Galof, Katarina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bratun, Urša (Reviewer)

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Uvod: S staranjem populacije se veča število starejših, ki se srečajo z upokojitvijo. Upokojitev pomeni več kot le opustitev zaposlitve. Predstavlja sprejem nove družbene vloge in socialne mreže, spremembe vsakodnevnega ritma življenja, možnost vključevanja v prostočasne aktivnosti in interese ter nov okupacijski repertoar. Namen: Raziskovali smo, kako udeleženci doživljajo spremembe, ki jih prinaša upokojitev, in kako se nanje prilagajajo. Raziskovali smo spremembe na področju strukture dneva, rutin, okupacij, vlog in lastne identitete. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali so zadovoljni s svojim življenjem in kakšni so njihovi predlogi za lažjo prilagoditev na upokojitev. Metode dela: Izvedli smo kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri smo podatke pridobili s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji s petimi udeleženci, ki so upokojeni največ 5 let. Podatke smo kvalitativno vsebinsko analizirali. Rezultati: Največje spremembe udeleženci navajajo v daljši jutranji rutini. Jutranjo naglico zamenjajo skupne rutine med zakonci. Dnevna opravila so razporejena čez cel dan, najbolj aktiven del dneva pa je dopoldanski čas. Skrb za zdravje jim je prioriteta in skladno s tem so pridobili nove zdrave navade in začeli opuščati nezdrave navade, kot so uživanje alkohola in cigaret. Spremenil se jim je nabor okupacij. Prioritetne okupacije so okupacije v naravi in skrb za lastni videz. Vloge, ki pridobijo na pomenu, so vloga babice, skrbnice in žene. Vsi udeleženci so opisovali zmanjšano socialno mrežo in nekateri tudi težave pri navezovanju novih stikov. Navajali so težave pri ohranjanju strukture dneva, stres, občutke tesnobe, nepomembnosti, izgubljenosti ob izgubi vloge delavca, pogrešali so hitrejši ritem življenja. Načrtovanje dneva je pozitivno vplivalo na produktivnost tekom dneva in na občutek kontrole nad svojim življenjem. Kljub izzivom pa so upokojitev na splošno opisali kot mir, svobodo, odmik od zunanjih zahtev, upočasnjen ritem, olajšanje in kot obdobje z več časa za druženje z družinskimi člani. Razprava in zaključek: Želje in cilji udeležencev so ohranjanje dobrih odnosov v družini, sodelovanje v skupnostih in ohranjanje zdravja. Podporni dejavniki za lažjo prilagoditev na upokojitev so podpora družine, samospoštovanje in ohranjanje aktivnega življenja. Udeleženci so na splošno zadovoljni s svojim življenjem in so mnenja, da so se uspešno prilagodili na upokojitev.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, socialna mreža, samopodoba, svoboda, smiselne aktivnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Slovša]
Number of pages:55 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-167639 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:227996931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.03.2025
SLOVŠA, Greta, 2025, Doživljanje spremenjene strukture dneva, okupacij in vlog po upokojitvi : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : G. Slovša. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing changed structure of the day, occupations and roles after retirement : diploma work
Introduction: With the world population ageing the number of eldery people facing retirement is increasing. Retirement means more than just quitting a job. It represents the acceptance of a new social role and social network, changes in the daily rhythm of life, the possibility of involvement in leisure activities and interests, and a new occupational repertoire. Purpose: We researched how participans experience the changes that retirement brings and how they adapt to them. We investigated changes in the structure of the day, routines, occupations, roles and own identity. We were also interested in whether they are satisfied with their lives and what are their suggestions for easier adjustment to retirement. Methods: We conducted a qualitative research in which we obtained data through semi-structured interviews with five participans who have been retired for a maximum of 5 years. We analyzed the data qualitatively. Results: The biggest changes are reported by participans in a longer morning routine. The morning rush is replaced by shared routines between spouses. Daily tasks are spread out over the entire day, and the most active part of the day is the morning. Taking care of their health is a priority for them, and accordingly, they have acquired new healthy habits and started to give up unhealthy habits, such as drinking alcohol and cigarettes. Their range of occupations has changed. Priority occupations are occupations in nature and taking care of their own appearance. Roles that are gaining in importance are grandmother, caregiver and wife. All of participans described a reduced social network and some also had difficulties in making new contacts. They mentioned difficulties in maintaining the structure of the day, stress, feelings of anxiety, insignificance, feeling lost when losing the role of a worker, and missing the faster rythm of life. Planning the day had a positive impact on productivity during the day and a sense of control over their lives. Despite the challenges, retirement was generally described as peace, freedom, a break from external demands, a slower rythm, relief and more time to spend with family members. Discussion and conclusion: The wishes and goals of participans are to maintain good family relationships, participate in communities and maintain health. Supporting factors for easier adjustment to retirement are family support, self-esteem and maintaining an active life. Participants are generally satisfied with their lives and believe that they have successfully adapted to retirement.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, social network, self-image, freedom, meaningful activities

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