
Mešane okužbe s Clostridioides difficile pri bolnikih v mariborski regiji
ID Vrečer, Gašper (Author), ID Rupnik, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Clostridioides difficile je po Gramu pozitiven, sporogen, obligatno anaeroben bacil, ki je prisoten v prebavnem traktu ljudi in povzroča črevesne okužbe, najpogosteje po zdravljenju z antibiotiki. Bakterije vrste C. difficile se lahko loči glede na ribotip, pri čemer poznamo več kot 900 različnih ribotipov. Številni laboratoriji so poročali, da so bolniki lahko okuženi tudi z več kot enim ribotipom istočasno. Za Slovenijo tovrstni podatki še niso na voljo. Zato je namen te naloge, da v izbranem diagnostičnem laboratoriju preverimo morebitno prisotnost različnih sevov (ribotipov) C. difficile pri posameznem bolniku. V raziskavi smo testirali 18 bolnikov, za vsakega smo prejeli dve različni primarni plošči in iz vsake osamili 20 sevov. Iz vseh vzorcev smo skupno osamili 720 izolatov, ki smo jih uvrstili v 15 različnih ribotipov. Mešana okužba je bila prisotna pri enem bolniku, ki je bil okužen s tremi različnimi ribotipi. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da so mešane okužbe v mariborski regiji prisotne, ampak redke.

Keywords:Clostridioides difficile, mešane okužbe, ribotipi, PCR-ribotipizacija, bolnišnične okužbe, okužbe prebavil
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[G. Vrečer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165874 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:218845955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.12.2024
VREČER, Gašper, 2024, Mešane okužbe s Clostridioides difficile pri bolnikih v mariborski regiji [online]. Master’s thesis. G. Vrečer. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Mixed Clostridioides difficile infections in patients in Maribor region
Clostridioides difficile is a Gram-positive, spore-producing, obligate anaerobic rod bacterium, that colonizes human gastrointestinal tract and is a common agent of gastrointestinal infections associated with antibiotic use. C. difficile can be classified by ribotyping. There are more than 900 known ribotypes. Some laboratoryes reported about patients infected with more than one ribotype. In Slovenia there is no such information available so the purpose of this thesis was to find possible infection with more than one C. difficile ribotype in a single patient. In the study, we tested 18 patients. From each patient we received two different primary plates and isolated 20 strains from each. In total, we isolated 720 isolates from all samples, which we classified into 15 different ribotypes. A mixed infection with three different ribotypes was present in one patient only. Our results suggest that mixed infections are present in the Maribor region but are very rare.

Keywords:Clostridioides difficile, mixed infections, ribotypes, PCR-ribotyping, hospital-acquired infections, gastrointestinal infections

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