
Ocena dobrobiti pri športnih konjih
ID Lenček, Rebeka (Author), ID Zupan Šemrov, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dobrobit živali se je v zadnjih letih razvila v področje za preučevanje psihičnega in fizičnega stanja tako rejnih kot hišnih živali. V okviru Programa razvoja podeželja so v preteklih letih v Sloveniji posvetili veliko pozornosti dobrobiti rejnih živali, ki se uporabljajo za športne aktivnosti, konkretno pri športnih konjih. Športni konji so žal pogosto le sredstvo za doseganje dobička in so velikokrat podvrženi nehumanim metodam treninga. Posledično je preučevanje tega področja in analiza stanja športnih konj v Sloveniji in po svetu zelo pomembno in nujno potrebno. Cilj te diplomske naloge je bil proučiti dobrobit športnih konj v različnih pogojih reje in pri različnih aktivnostih ter s pomočjo analize ugotoviti, kateri parametri reje ali aktivnosti niso optimalni z vidika zdravja, obnašanja in prehrane. Ti parametri lahko vodijo v negativne občutke, kot so bolečina, strah in tesnoba. Glavna načela dobrega počutja športnih konj so ustrezna prehrana, ustrezna uhlevitev, dobro zdravstveno stanje in ustrezno obnašanje. Po pregledu literature je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstaja AWIN protokol (AWIN, 2015), s pomočjo katerega je na podlagi meril in indikatorjev moč oceniti dobrobit športnih konj. Rezultati različnih študij, v katerih so uporabili ta protokol, kažejo, da so ključne težave povezane s socialno osamitvijo konj, omejevanjem gibanja in pokladanjem premajhne količine voluminozne krme. Izpostavljen je bil tudi odnos človeka do konja, predvsem z vidika neprimernega treninga glede na konjeve fizične zmogljivosti in psihično zrelost.

Keywords:športni konji, dobrobit živali, ocenjevanje dobrobiti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165306 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:219126531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Welfare assessment in sport horses
In recent years, animal welfare has developed into a field in which the psychological and physical condition of farm and companion animals is examined. As part of the Slovenian Rural Development Program, great attention has been given in recent years to the welfare of farm animals used for sport activities, especially sport horses. Unfortunately, sport horses are often just a means to make a profit and are often subjected to inhumane training methods. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to investigate this area and analyze the condition of sport horses in Slovenia and worldwide. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the welfare of sport horses under different rearing conditions and activities and to determine through analysis which rearing or activity parameters are not optimal in terms of health, behavior and nutrition. These parameters can lead to negative feelings such as pain, fear and restlessness. Key principles for good welfare in sport horses include appropriate nutrition, housing, health and behavior. A review of the literature revealed that there is an AWIN protocol (AWIN, 2015) which can be used to assess the welfare of sport horses based on different criteria and indicators. The results of various studies using this protocol show that the main problems are related to social isolation of horses, restriction of freedom of movement and provision of insufficient amounts of forages. The relationship between humans and horses has also been highlighted, particularly with regard to inappropriate training in relation to the horses physical abilities and maturity.

Keywords:sport horses, animal welfare, welfare assessment

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