
Proces nadzora kakovosti pri razvijanju mobilne aplikacije za operacijski sistem iOS
ID Kert, Saša (Author), ID Stanković Elesini, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weingerl, Primož (Comentor)

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo načrtovanje in izvedba procesa testiranja mobilne aplikacije na operacijskem sistemu iOS. Kot testni objekt smo si izbrali mobilno aplikacijo »Queue – What to Watch«, za katero smo pripravili testni načrt, ga izvedli in podali poročilo o napakah. Napake smo natančno opisali in jih razvrstili po kritičnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili razvoj nadzora kakovosti v programski industriji – s poudarkom na zgodovinskih prelomnicah in metodologijah, ki so vplivale na to področje. Nato smo spoznali razlike med avtomatskim, ročnim, statičnim, dinamičnim, funkcionalnim in nefunkcionalnim testiranjem. Ker smo aplikacijo testirali na operacijskem sistemu iOS, smo opisali njegove specifike in na kaj mora biti nadzornik kakovosti pozoren, da bo aplikacija sprejeta in objavljena v App storu. Nato smo pogledali, kako pravilno pripravimo testne naprave za ročno testiranje aplikacije in kako se lotimo načrtovanja testiranja. V to področje spada tudi dokumentacija, kot sta na primer testni načrt in poročilo o napaki, ki jo uporabi in pripravi nadzornik kakovosti. Dokumentacijo smo pripravili v eksperimentalnem delu naloge. Preden smo se v drugem delu naloge lotili priprave in testiranja, smo si izbrano aplikacijo najprej ogledali in si pripravili miselni vzorec, kako bomo oblikovali testni plan. Razčlenili smo jo v sklope glavnih funkcionalnosti, te pa naprej na testne primere. Vsak testni primer je bil definiran s točno določenimi koraki; vse skupaj smo opisali v testnem načrtu v obliki excel tabele. Nato smo si pripravili testne naprave in testni načrt izvedli. Med izvajanjem smo beležili napake in poskrbeli, da so zabeležene s koraki za ponovitev in slikovnim dokazilom. Na koncu smo podali rezultate v obliki PDF-dokumenta s poročili o napakah. Napake smo razvrstili po stopnji kritičnosti in komentirali, ali so bile najdene napake ključne za delovanje aplikacije.

Keywords:nadzor kakovosti, kakovost, mobilna aplikacija, testiranje, operacijski sistem iOS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-165064 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Quality assurance process in mobile app development for iOS
The purpose of this thesis was to plan and execute the testing process of a mobile application on the iOS operating system. As our test object, we chose the mobile application "Queue – What to Watch," for which we prepared a test plan, executed it, and provided a report on any errors. We described the errors in detail and classified them based on their criticality. In the theoretical part, we presented the development of quality control in the software industry, focusing on historical milestones and methodologies that have influenced this field. We then explored the differences between automated, manual, static, dynamic, functional, and nonfunctional testing. Since we tested the application on the iOS operating system, we described its specifics and what quality assurance professionals need to pay attention to in order for the application to be accepted and published in the App Store. Subsequently, we examined how to properly prepare test devices for manual testing of the application and how to approach test planning. This area also includes the documentation used and prepared by the quality assurance professional, such as the test plan and the bug report, which we also prepared in the experimental part of the thesis. Before proceeding to the preparation and testing in the second part of the thesis, we first reviewed the selected application and created a mind map on how to design the test plan. We categorized it into segments of main functionalities and further into test cases. Each test case was defined with specific steps, and we documented it all in the test plan in the form of an Excel table. We then prepared the test devices and executed the test plan. During execution, we recorded any errors, ensuring they were noted with steps for reproduction and photographic evidence. Finally, we presented the results in the form of a PDF document containing reports on the errors. We classified the errors according to their criticality and commented on whether the identified errors were crucial for the application's functionality. Keywords: Quality control, quality, mobile application, testing, iOS operating system, functionalities, error, test plan, process, user experience.

Keywords:Quality control, quality, mobile application, testing, iOS operating system, functionalities

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