In the four novels selected, the realistic compositional approach is intertwined with the fantasy approach. The epic subjects are the outlets of life reality and of imagination, which freely plays with the elements of the subjects’ life, with their existence that is bound and unbound by time and space. The fantasy of the texts is based on erotic passion/longing and on passionate desire for power. These two passions are enhanced and transformed into enchanting and awe-inspiring states and relationships, yet only rarely are spirits, ghosts and demonic creatures introduced. The analyzed novels are: Alamut (1938) by Vladimir Bartol, the story of the Oriental satrap, Hasan bin Sabbah, and his deceived warriors; Divje jezero ali življenje in smrt lepe Vide (1997) by Jože Felc – basically a love story, which starts (according to the folk ballad) in 1004 and ends with a topical political connotation in 1991; Skarabej in vestalka (1997) by Feri Lainšček, where the same epic subject experiences both loves, i.e., her own and the love of a man; Smrt na počitnicah (1997) by Igor Torkar with a particularly interesting interplay of reality and fantasy.