
Funkcija slovstvene folklore v sodobnem slovenskem romanu
ID Stanonik, Marija (Author)

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Tukajšnja obravnava se posveča vprašanju pripovedovalca v slovenskem romanu iz druge polovice 20. stoletja s specifičnega, folklorističnega vidika. Literarna veda bi v tem primeru utegnila govoriti o motivu pripovedovalca ali o tem, kako je upoveden v pripovedno tkivo. V ta namen je bilo pregledanih več romanov in za analizo v tukajšnjem poglavju jih je upoštevanih sedem. Kozakovi pripovedovalci so dobrodošli preganjalci dolgčasa, Kocbekovi prav tako, le da je med njimi kontekstualna in intelektualna razlika. Kompozicija Potrčevega romana je zasnovana na retrospektivni zgodbi, ki jo v nočeh brez spanja pripoveduje jetnik svojemu tovarišu. V vseh teh treh primerih so v izmenjavi pripovedovanega navzoči samo moški. Ciril Kosmač in Miško Kranjec razvijata svoja romana na podlagi pripovedi, ki ustvarjajo in vzdržujejo kontinuiteto posamezne rodbine. Zidarjev avktorialni pripovedovalec, ki je hkrati individualni poslušalec v romanu tematizirane pripovedovalke, se odziva na njeno prav tako družinsko zgodbo intelektualistično. Navedene pisateljske različice upovedenih pripovedovalcev in njihovih sprejemalcev v monogamni ali poligamni družbi nadkriljuje Drago Jančar, ki na pot v Kelmorajn pošlje markantnega, a tudi malce čudaškega Oča s Ptuja, Tobijo in na njegovem dvoboju z zgodbarjem Joklom iz Landshutta utemelji klavrni polom slavnih romanj iz južnih avstrijskih dežel v severno nemško deželo.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenski roman, slovenski roman 1945-, slovstvena folklora, pripovedovalec, okvirna zgodba, literarne študije, I. Potrč, C. Kosmač, D. Jančar, M. Kranjec
Typology:1.06 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution (invited lecture)
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Number of pages:Str. 333-341
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164969 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:21863213 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.11.2024
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Slovenski roman
Editors:Miran Hladnik, Gregor Kocijan
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete
COBISS.SI-ID:125833472 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Obdobja
Collection numbering:21
Collection ISSN:1408-211X

Secondary language

The article focuses on the narrator in the Slovene novel of the second half of the 20 th c. from a specific, folkloristic, point of view. Literary criticism might in this case speak of the motif of the narrator or about the way (s)he is textualized and woven into the narrative fabric. Several novels were examined and for the purpose of this analysis seven were included. Kozak’s as well as Kocbek’s narrators fight off boredom, however, there is a contextual and intellectual difference between them. The composition of Potrč’s novel is based on the retrospective story that an inmate narrates to his fellow inmate during sleepless nights. In all of these cases only men are present in the exchange of the narrative. Ciril Kosmač and Miško Kranjec develop their novels based on the narratives that create and maintain the continuity of the individual family. Zidar’s authoritative narrator, who is at the same time an individual listener in the novel of a thematized female narrator, responds to her familial story in an intellectual manner. These authors’ varieties of narrators and their companions in the monogamous or polygamous society are surpassed by Drago Jančar, who sends to Cologne a prominent, somewhat strange poppa from Ptuj, Tobija. In his duel with the story-teller, Jokl, from Landshutt, Jančar justifies the pitiful end of the famed pilgrimages from the Southern Austrian provinces to the North-German province.

Keywords:Slovene literature, Slovene novel, Slovene novel 1945-, literary folklore, narrator, frame story, I. Potrč, C. Kosmač, D. Jančar, M. Kranjec

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