
Določanje protibakterijskega delovanja knjižnice spojin Fakultete za farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani
ID Grobiša, Nika (Author), ID Hrast Rambaher, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zdovc, Irena (Comentor)

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Protibakterijske učinkovine so spojine, ki jih zaradi baktericidnega ali bakteriostatičnega delovanja uporabljamo za zdravljenje bakterijskih okužb. Delujejo po principu selektivne toksičnosti, kar je mogoče zaradi razlik med bakterijsko in gostiteljevo celico. Najnižja koncentracija protimikrobne učinkovine, ki zavira rast mikroorganiznmov, je opredeljena kot minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija. Glede na izvor protibakterijske učinkovine delimo na antibiotike in kemoterapevtike, lahko pa jih razdelimo tudi glede na značilnosti molekulske strukture in spekter zdravljenja. Protibakterijske učinkovine delujejo po petih glavnih mehanizmih delovanja, vendar so se zaradi njihove vse obsežnejše in nepravilne uporabe nekatere bakterije nanje prilagodile in razvile odpornost. Bakterijska odpornost je pojav, ko je bakterija sposobna preživeti in se razmnoževati kljub izpostavitvi protibakterijski učinkovini, ki bi bila za njeno preživetje sicer usodna. Zaradi tega je razvoj novih protibakterijskih učinkovin izjemnega pomena. Eden izmed načinov odkrivanja novih zdravilnih učinkovin je tudi rešetanje knjižnice spojin. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo ovrednotili protibakterijsko aktivnost različnih spojin, ki izhajajo iz knjižnice spojin Fakultete za farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani. Najprej smo določili biološko aktivnost spojin na grampozitivni bakteriji Staphylococcus aureus in gramnegativni bakteriji Escherichia coli. Spojinam, ki so izkazale zaviralno delovanje na rast bakterij, smo določili še minimalno inhibitorno koncentrcijo (MIK), in sicer le šestim izmed 862 testiranih spojin. Zaviralno delovanje na rast bakterije Staphylococcus aureus so izkazale spojine 2D4, 3D6, 8C4, 9F3 in 11F1, spojina 3A1 pa je izkazala zaviralno delovanje na rast bakterije Escherichia coli. Določili smo MIK za spojine 2D4, 3D6, 8C4 in 3A1, ki znaša 25 μmol/L, MIK za spojini 9F3 in 11F1 pa znaša 6,25 μmol/L. Za izbranih šest spojin smo določili tudi odnos med strukturo in delovanjem. Po literaturnem pregledu smo ugotovili, da so spojine 2D4, 3A1, 3D6 in 11F1 strukturno podobne že znanim spojinam s protibakterijskim delovanjem, spojini 8C4 in 9F3 pa ne izkazujeta podobnosti z nobeno znano protibakterijsko spojino. Tako predstavljata nova kemotipa, ki bi ju v prihodnosti z nadaljno optimizacijo lahko uporabili za razvoj novih učinkovin s protibakterijskim delovanjem.

Keywords:protibakterijske učinkovine, knjižnica spojin, bakterijska odpornost, minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija, razmerje med strukturo in delovanjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164927 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Antibacterial activity determination of compounds library of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Ljubljana
Antibacterial agents are compounds that are used to treat bacterial infections due to their bactericidal or bacteriostatic action. They work based on the principle of selective toxicity which is possible due to differences between bacterial and host cells. The lowest concentration of the antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of microorganisms is defined as the minimum inhibitory concentration. Based on their origin, antibacterial agents are divided into antibiotics and chemotherapeutics, but they can also be divided according to characteristics of their molecular structure and their spectrum of treatment. Antibacterial agents work according to five main mechanisms of action, but due to their increasingly extensive and improper use, some bacteria have adapted to them and developed resistance. Bacterial resistance is a phenomenon where bacteria are able to survive and grow despite exposure to an antibacterial agent that would otherwise be lethal to their survival. The constant search and development of new active substances that would replace existing active substances to which bacteria have developed resistance is of utmost importance. Compound library screening is one of the methods of antibacterial compound discovery. In this master's thesis, we evaluated the antibacterial activity of various compounds from the compound library of the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Ljubljana. First we assessed the biological activity of the compounds on the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. Then we determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of six out of 862 tested compounds that showed an inhibitory effect on the growth of bacteria. Compounds 2D4, 3D6, 8C4, 9F3 and 11F1 showed inhibitory action on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Compound 3A1 showed an inhibitory effect on the growth of Escherichia coli. The determined MIC for compounds 2D4, 3D6, 8C4 and 3A1 is 25 μmol/L, and the determined MIC for compounds 9F3 and 11F1 is 6,25 μmol/L. We also observed the structure-activity relationship for the six active compounds. After a literature review we found that compounds 2D4, 3A1, 3D6 and 11F1 are structurally similar to already known compounds with antibacterial activity, while compounds 8C4 and 9F3 do not show similarity to any known antibacterial compound. They represent new chemotypes, which with further optimization, could be used for the development of new antibacterial agents.

Keywords:antibacterial agents, compound library, bacterial resistance, minimum inhibitory concentration, structure-activity relationship

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