
Vpliv delovnega okolja na zavzetost zaposlenih za delo v izbranih organizacijah : magistrsko delo
ID Atanaskoska, Ivona (Author), ID Kozjek, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koncept zavzetost zaposlenih za delo je vse bolj aktualen, saj ima visoka zavzetost veliko pozitivnih učinkov za organizacijo in za zaposlene. Zavzetost zaposlenih pomeni, da so zaposleni pozitivno naklonjeni delu. Zavzeti zaposleni so tisti, ki so delu zelo predani ter imajo zaradi dela občutke pomembnosti, navdušenja, ponosa in izziva. Zavzetost zaposlenih za delo pomaga organizaciji pri doseganju boljše uspešnosti in ohranja tudi najboljša delovna mesto ter zmanjšuje raven fluktuacij. Delovno okolje zajema vse dejavnike, ki so prisotni pri opravljanju dela. Dejavniki delovnega okolja se lahko delijo na fizične in psihološke. Rezultati raziskave v okviru magistrskega dela kažejo, da obstaja močna linearna povezava med starostjo in delovno dobo zaposlenih, med delovno dobo in številom let v trenutni organizaciji ter med avtonomijo in etičnim okoljem. Rezultati kažejo, da so spremenljivke vprašalnika delovnega okolja statistično značilno povezane z zavzetostjo zaposlenih za delo in so skoraj vse tudi med seboj značilno povezane. Z regresijsko analizo je ugotovljeno, da imajo spremenljivke avtonomija, odnos s sodelavci in delovna doba statistično značilen vpliv na zavzetost zaposlenih za delo. Namen magistrskega dela je strokovno prispevati k področju delovnega okolja in zavzetosti zaposlenih za delo. Namen je tudi ugotoviti, kako delovno okolje vpliva na zavzetost zaposlenih za delo. V slovenskem prostoru takšnih raziskav omenjene problematike namreč še ni veliko, kar dodatno prispeva k novim znanjem.

Keywords:zavzetost zaposlenih za delo, delovno okolje, vpliv delovnega okolja na zavzetost zaposlenih za delo.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Atanaskoska]
Number of pages:IX, 84 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215329027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of working environment on the engagement of employees in selected organisations
The concept of employee engagement is becoming increasingly relevant as high engagement has many positive effects on both the organization and its employees. Employee engagement means that employees are fulfilled and positively inclined towards their work. Engaged employees are those who are highly committed to their work and, as a result, feel a sense of importance, enthusiasm, pride, and challenge. Employee engagement in work helps the organization achieve better performance and also retains the best employees while reducing turnover rates. Workplace factors can be divided into physical and psychological. Results show that there is a strong linear relationship between age and length of employment, between the variables of length of employment and the number of years in the current organization, and between autonomy and an ethical environment. The results show that the variables of the work environment questionnaire are statistically significantly related to employee engagement in work and are almost all significantly correlated with each other. Results of regression analysis show that the variables of autonomy, relationships with colleagues, and length of employment have a statistically significant impact on employee engagement in work. The primary objective of this master's thesis is to make a scholarly contribution to the field of work environments and employee engagement.. Another goal is to determine how the work environment influences the engagement of employees. Given the scarcity of such research in the Slovenian context, this study aims to contribute new knowledge to the field.

Keywords:employee engagement, work environment, impact of the working environment on the engagement of employees.

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