
Early stage performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11be standard
ID MANDIĆ, DEJAN (Author), ID Zimic, Nikolaj (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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The IEEE 802.11be standard, anticipated to be fully ratified as Wi-Fi 7, is poised to revolutionize wireless networking by providing significantly higher throughput, reduced latency, and greater reliability. In this thesis, we conduct an early-stage performance analysis of the 802.11be standard to evaluate its enhancements over previous iterations and to predict its impact on future wireless network infras- tructures. Through theoretical analysis and preliminary benchmarks, this study examines key features of 802.11be such as 320 MHz channel bandwidth, utilization of higher order Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), Multi-Link Operation (MLO), and improved channel access mechanisms. The research aims to assess how these advancements contribute to achieving a throughput of up to 30 Gbps and support for high-density scenarios in both residential and enterprise envi- ronments. Additionally, the thesis explores the standard’s capability to handle emerging applications that require robust and low-latency communication. The findings suggest that while 802.11be significantly enhances Wi-Fi capabilities, its real-world performance will heavily depend on the coexistence strategies and spec- trum availability. This analysis aims to provide foundational insights and guidance for future research and implementation strategies as the technology progresses to- wards commercial deployment.

Keywords:WiFi 7, 802.11be, extremely high throughput, 4096 QAM, 320 MHz, MU-MIMO, time-sensitive networking, multi-link operation, implicit sound- ing, distributed MU-MIMO, channel puncturing.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164827 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213378051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2024
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Title:Analiza zmogljivosti v zgodnji fazi standarda 802.11be
IEEE 802.11be standard, ki se priˇcakuje, da bo v celoti ratificiran kot Wi-Fi 7, obeta revolucijo v brezˇziˇcnih omreˇzjih z zagotavljanjem bistveno viˇsje propust- nosti, zmanjˇsane zakasnitve in veˇcje zanesljivosti. V tej dodiplomski nalogi bomo izvajali analizo zgodnje fazo zmogljivosti standarda 802.11be za oceno njegovih izboljˇsav v primerjavi s prejˇsnjimi razliˇcicami in za napoved njegovega vpliva na prihodnjo infrastrukturo brezˇziˇcnih omreˇzij. S teoretiˇcno analizo in preliminarn- imi simulacijami ˇstudija preuˇcuje kljuˇcne znaˇcilnosti 802.11be, kot so 320 MHz pasovna ˇsirina kanala, uporaba viˇsjega reda kvadraturne amplitude modulacije, veˇcpovezavno delovanje, in izboljˇsani mehanizmi dostopa do kanalov. Ta diplom- ska naloga si prizadeva oceniti, kako te napredne tehnologije prispevajo k doseganju prepustnosti do 30 Gbps in podpori za scenarije z visoko gostoto v stanovanjskih in podjetniˇskih okoljih. Poleg tega, raziskuje sposobnost standarda za obravnavo novih aplikacij, ki zahtevajo robustno in nizko zakasnitveno komunikacijo. Ugo- tovitve kaˇzejo, da medtem ko 802.11be bistveno izboljˇsa zmogljivosti Wi-Fi, bo njegova dejanska zmogljivost v realnem svetu moˇcno odvisna od strategij sobivanja in razpoloˇzljivosti spektra. Analiza si prizadeva zagotoviti temeljne vpoglede in usmeritve za prihodnje raziskave in strategije izvajanja, ko tehnologija napreduje proti komercialni uvedbi.

Keywords:WiFi 7, 802.11be, extremely high throughput, 4096 QAM, 320 MHz, MU-MIMO, time-sensitive networking, multi-link operation, implicit sound- ing, distributed MU-MIMO, channel puncturing.

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