
Analiza sestave hidrolatov izbranih vrst sivke (Lavandula sp.) in vrtnice (Rosa sp.)
ID Svetina, Elen (Author), ID Kočevar Glavač, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kokalj Ladan, Meta (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi smo proučevali sestavo hidrolatov izbranih vrst vrtnice (Rosa sp.) in sivke (Lavandula sp.), ki so dostopni na slovenskem trgu. Hidrolati so vodne raztopine številnih hlapnih komponent, pridobljeni kot produkti parne destilacije rastlinske droge. V primerjavi z eteričnimi olji so na trgu manj zastopani in veliko manj raziskani. V sklopu našega raziskovalnega dela smo od različnih proizvajalcev pridobili 15 vzorcev hidrolata vrtnice treh vrst in 21 vzorcev hidrolata sivke dveh vrst. Z metodo plinske kromatografije, sklopljene z masno spektrometrijo (GC-MS), smo analizirali kemijsko sestavo hidrolatov in njihovih heksanskih ekstraktov. S pomočjo raztopin standardov znane koncentracije smo najpogosteje zastopanim spojinam v hidrolatih določili njihove koncentracije in celokupno vsebnost hlapnih komponent v vzorcih. Rezultate naše raziskave smo primerjali z dostopno literaturo. Večinski delež hidrolatov je predstavljala voda, od organskih komponent pa so prevladovali terpenski alkoholi. V hidrolatih vrtnice so prevladovale spojine fenetilalkohol, geraniol, citronelol in nerol, v hidrolatih sivke pa linalol, evgenol, α-terpineol in terpinen-4-ol. Pri hidrolatih sivke smo zaznali več komponent kot pri vrtnici, pri obeh je bilo v ekstraktih prisotnih manj spojin v primerjavi s hidrolati. Ostanki suhe mase po sušenju so bili v primeru vseh vzorcev manjši ali enaki 1 %, kar tudi kaže na ustrezno kakovost vzorcev. Razlike med hidrolati so bile opazne tako pri številu komponent kot tudi kemijski sestavi in dodanih spojinah, navedenih med sestavinami seznama INCI.

Keywords:analiza GC-MS rp, hidrolat, sestava, sivka, vrtnica
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2024
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Title:Composition analysis of selected lavender (Lavandula sp.) and rose (Rosa sp.) species hydrolates
In the master's thesis, we studied the composition of hydrolates of selected species of rose (Rosa sp.) and lavender (Lavandula sp.), which are available on the Slovenian market. Hydrolates are aqueous solutions of many volatile components, obtained as products of steam distillation of herbal drugs. Compared to essential oils, they are less represented on the market and much less researched. As part of our research work, we obtained 15 samples of rose hydrolate of three rose species and 21 samples of lavender hydrolate of two lavender species from different manufacturers. We analyzed the chemical composition of hydrolates and their hexane extracts using the method of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). With the help of solutions of standards with known concentration, we determined concentrations for the most frequently represented compounds in hydrolates and the total content of volatile components in the samples. We compared the results of our research with the available literature. The majority of the hydrolates was represented by water, while terpene alcohols dominated the organic components. The compounds phenethyl alcohol, geraniol, citronellol and nerol dominated in rose hydrolates, while linalool, eugenol, α-terpineol and terpinen-4-ol dominated in lavender hydrolates. More components were detected in the lavender hydrolates than in the rose hydrolates, and in both, fewer compounds were present in the extracts compared to the hydrolates. The remaining dry mass after drying was less than or equal to 1 % in the case of all samples, which also indicates the appropriate quality of the samples. The differences between the hydrolates were noticeable both in the number of components as well as in the chemical composition and added compounds listed among the ingredients of the INCI list.

Keywords:composition, GC-MS analysis, hydrolate, lavender, rose

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