
Struktura in značilnosti telesne kondicije risjega in volčjega plena
ID Vovk, Janina (Author), ID Kos, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Potočnik, Hubert (Comentor)

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V Sloveniji sta glavna plenilca prostoživečih parkljarjev volk (Canis lupus) in evrazijski ris (Lynx lynx), ki imata zaradi različne strategije lova lahko različen vpliv na populacije velikih parkljarjev. Na spolno in starostno strukturo ter fizično stanje osebkov v slednjih močno vplivajo tudi antropogeni vzroki, predvsem odstrel, v manjši meri pa tudi povozi. Vzorce risjega in volčjega plena, naravnega pogina in živali poginulih zaradi antropogenih vzrokov smo zbirali na področju Dinaridov in Alp, kjer je v Sloveniji zabeleženo pojavljanje risa in volka. Najpogosteje uporabljana metoda določanja fizičnega stanja parkljarjev v času smrti je indeks telesne kondicije na podlagi vsebnosti maščob v kostnem mozgu dolgih kosti, ki smo jo poleg vizualnega določanja čvrstosti in barve kostnega mozga uporabili tudi v naši raziskavi. Za potrebe upravljanja s populacijami prostoživečih parkljarjev lahko kot dovolj zanesljivo in hkrati robustno metodo določanja telesne kondicije opredelimo vizualni indeks po Neilandu (1970). S to metodo smo ugotovili, da ris pleni parkljarje v boljši telesni kondiciji kot volk, kar je najverjetneje posledica razlike v njunem načinu lova. Z izsledki naše raziskave lahko potrdimo tudi, da ris preferenčno pleni manjše parkljarje (srnjad), pri volčjem plenu pa izrazite vrstne selekcije nismo zaznali.Odstrel je kot glavni vzrok smrtnosti evropskih parkljarjev pričakovano predstavljal največji del zbranih vzorcev. Slednji se je izkazal tudi za najbolj selektiven vzrok smrti, saj so lovci iz populacije odvzeli večinoma živali v slabi telesni kondiciji.

Keywords:ris, volk, plen, telesna kondicija, srnjad, jelenjad, gams, pogin, povoz, odstrel
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Vovk]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164758 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214659075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Structure and characteristics of body condition of lynx and wolf prey
In Slovenia, the main predators of wild ungulates are the wolf (Canis lupus) and the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), which, due to their different hunting strategies, can have a different impact on the populations of large ungulates. The sex and age structure and the physical condition of the wild ungulate populations are also strongly influenced by anthropogenic causes, mainly shooting, and to a lesser extent by being run over. We collected samples of dead ungulates in Slovenia, including lynx and wolf prey, natural deaths and animals killed by anthropogenic causes in the regions where lynx and wolves regularly occur, i.e. in the Dinarides and the Alps. The most commonly used method of evaluating the physical condition of ungulates at the time of death is the body condition index based on the fat content in the bone marrow of long bones, which, in addition to the visual determination of bone marrow thickness and colour, was also used in our research. For the needs of managing populations of free-living ungulates, the visual index according to Neiland (1970) can be defined as a sufficiently reliable and at the same time robust method of determining body condition. Using this method, we found that the lynx preys on ungulates in better physical condition than the wolf, which is most likely the result of the difference in their hunting method. The results of our research agree with the observation lynx preferentially preys on smaller ungulates (roe deer), while no such prey selection was observed in wolf kill. As the main cause of mortality of European ungulates, shooting accounted for the largest part of the collected samples. The latter also proved to be the most

Keywords:lynx, wolf, prey, body condition, roe deer, red deer, chamois, perish, roadkill, cull

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