
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the core of MOTEL facility : master’s thesis
ID Ananya, Nazia Rahim (Author), ID Patel, Giteshkumar (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Končar, Boštjan (Comentor)

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The aim of this thesis is to perform Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the core of the Modular Test Loop (MOTEL) facility designed and built in Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT using the simulation software ANSYS Fluent. Even though the power distribution in the core of the MOTEL facility is five-stepped cosine, for this study flat and cosine power distributions are also simulated to compare different parameters e.g., temperature, density, velocity with the existing five-stepped cosine power distribution. Two meshes were created for demonstrating the effect of mesh density. Two vertical planes are created in the middle of the modelled geometry to take temperature and velocity contours and analyse the way they change while flowing from inlet to outlet. Four lines are created adjacent to the four instrumentation rod walls and velocity, temperature and turbulence kinetic energy profiles are analysed along those lines. Better heat transfer is observed for cosine power distribution as the difference between the average and highest temperature is the least. The line adjacent to the instrumentation rod 1, which is near the centre of the core, shows least fluctuation in temperature, velocity, and turbulence kinetic energy profiles. When simulating the case for 990kW power and five-stepped cosine power distribution with both Shear Stress Transport (SST) and standard k-ϵ model, there were some differences between the result. This is due to the limitation of standard k-ϵ model in simulating near-wall boundary and capturing the transitions in natural circulations flows.

Keywords:nuclear engineering, small modular reactor, MOTEL facility, computational fluid dynamics
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Place of publishing:Lappeenranta
Publisher:N. R. Ananya
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF ([96] str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164731 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:214213123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analiza sredice eksperimentalne naprave MOTEL z računalniško dinamiko tekočin (RDT)
Cilj magistskega dela je izvedba študije enofaznega toka tekočine skozi sredico modularne testne zanke MOTEL (ang. »Modular Test Loop«), ki je bila zasnovana in razvita na Tehnični univerzi Lappenranta-Lahti (LUT) na finskem. Študija je bila izvedena z uporabo metod računalniške dinamike tekočin v programskem okolju ANSYS Fluent. Obravnavali smo tri različne porazdelitve toplotnega toka znotraj sredice: petstopenjsko kosinusno porazdelitev, ki ustreza realnemu stanju, ter homogeno in kosinusno porazdelitev. Pri tem smo primerjali vpliv porazdelitve moči na različne parametre toka, kot so temperatura, gostota in hitrostno polje. Ustreznost uporabljene prostorske diskretizacije smo utemeljili s primerjavo rezultatov simulacij istega primera na dveh različno gostih računskih mrežah. Temperaturno in hitrostno polje toka skozi sredico zanke MOTEL smo opazovali na dveh navpičnih ravninah v sredini obravnavane geometrije. Podrobneje smo analizirali temperaturno in hitrostno porazdelitev ter porazdelitev turbulentne kinetične energije na stenah štirih instrumentacijskih palic. V primeru s kosinusno porazdelitvijo toplotne moči je bil prenos toplote najboljši, saj je bila razlika med povprečno in najvišjo temperaturo najmanjša. Najnižje fluktuacije temperature, hitrosti in turbulentne kinetične energije so bile ob steni instrumentacijske palice 1, ki je najbližje osi sredice. Pri simulacijah primera s toplotno močjo 990 kW in petstopenjsko kosinusno porazdelivijo moči, smo opazili pomembnejše razlike v rezultatih med simulacijami izvedenimi s tubulentnim modelom prenosa strižnih napetosti k-ω (ang. »Shear-Stress Transport (SST) k-ω model«) in modelom k-ϵ. To je posledica omejitev modela k-ϵ povezanih s popisom toka blizu stene in modeliranjem naravne konvekcije.

Keywords:jedrska tehnika, mali modularni reaktor, naprava MOTEL, računalniška dinamika tekočin

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