
Karakterizacija metalurškega spoja lasersko navarjanje volframove zlitine na orodno jeklo za delo v vročem
ID Majer, Gašper (Author), ID Šturm, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mrvar, Primož (Comentor)

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V raziskavi je bilo eksperimentalno izvedeno navarjanje volframove zlitine na orodno jeklo za delo v vročem, ki je bilo predhodno toplotno obdelano v treh različnih stanjih (mehko žarjenem, kaljenem in poboljšanem). Uspešno je bila izvedeno navarjanje, tako v enem, kot v treh slojih. Na mikro in makro nivoju je bilo izvedeno tako kvantitativno kot kvalitativno vrednotenje nastalih con, ki nastopajo na relaciji substrat, toplotno vplivana cona, nehomogene cone razmešanja znotraj navarjenega sloja ter površina navara. Natančno so opredeljeni profili trdot v povezavi z kemijsko linijsko analizo, ki pojasnjujejo zahtevne procese nastanka nove zlitine tudi v povezavi z ravnotežnim termodinamskim izračunom faznih ravnotežij ter simultano termično analizo. S pomočjo rezultatov dilatometerske analize pa je bil pojasnjen mehanizem nastanka razpok.

Keywords:orodno jeklo za delo v vročem, Dievar, navarjanje, lasersko varjenje, Anviloy Weldrod, karektirizacija spoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages:XXII, 79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164676 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:218818563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Characterization of the metallurgical joint after laser welding of tungsten alloy on hot work tool steel
In the research, tungsten alloy surfacing welding was experimentally carried out on tool steel for hot work, which had previously been heat treated in three different states (soft annealed, hardened and tempered). Welding was carried out successfully, both in one and in three layers. At the micro and macro level, both quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the resulting zones, which appear in relation to the substrate, the heat-affected zone, inhomogeneous mixing zones within the welded layer and the welded surface, was carried out. Hardness profiles are precisely defined in connection with chemical line analysis, which explain the demanding processes of the formation of the new alloy also in connection with equilibrium thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria and simultaneous thermal analysis. With the help of dilatometric analysis results, the mechanism of crack formation was explained.

Keywords:hot work tool steel, Dievar, surfacing welding, laser welding, Anviloy Weldrod, joint characterization

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