
Avtomatsko prepoznavanje sorodnih pozicij v šahovskih otvoritvah
ID Bolčič, Vid (Author), ID Guid, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Klasični pristopi iskanja sorodnih šahovskih pozicij so kompleksni za izvedbo in niso najbolj učinkoviti pri uporabi na večjih bazah partij. Poleg tega najdejo le natančno ujemajoče se pozicije, kar posledično izključuje tiste, ki so morda bolj vsebinsko podobne podani poziciji, a se z njo ne ujemajo popolnoma. V tem delu smo razvili orodje, ki omogoča prepoznavanje sorodnih šahovskih pozicij na podlagi podane. Uporabljene metode za pridobivanje informacij omogočajo hitro in učinkovito iskanje po obsežnih bazah partij, ki vsebujejo veliko raznolikih pozicij. Orodje pri iskanju upošteva tako statično kot dinamično podobnost. Osredotočili smo se na čim boljše prepoznavanje pozicij v fazah otvoritve in zgodnjega dela središčnice. Ugotovili smo, da nekatere uporabljene lastnosti, kot so kmečke strukture in tip središča, igrajo ključno vlogo pri iskanju sorodnih pozicij. Program smo uspešno testirali na obsežni podatkovni zbirki. V eksperimentu, v katerem so sodelovali šahovski strokovnjaki, smo ugotovili visoko stopnjo ujemanja med ocenami podobnosti pozicij šahistov in ocenami podobnosti pozicij programa. Rezultati eksperimenta so potrdili pravilno delovanje in sposobnost sistema za učinkovito prepoznavanje sorodnih pozicij.

Keywords:šah, avtomatsko prepoznavanje podobnosti, sorodne šahovske pozicije, statična in dinamična podobnost, informacijsko poizvedovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164586 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:216943619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Automatic recognition of similar positions in chess openings
Classical approaches to finding related chess positions are complex to implement and not very efficient when applied to large game databases. Moreover, they only find completely matching positions, which excludes others that may be more similar in content but do not match exactly. In this thesis, we have developed an easy-to-use tool that enables the identification of related chess positions based on a given position. The information extraction methods used allow for fast and efficient searching within large databases of games containing numerous positions. The tool considers both static and dynamic similarity in its searches. We have focused on maximising the identification of positions in the opening and early part of the middlegame. We have found that some of the used features, such as pawn structures and center types, play a key role in identifying related positions. The program has been successfully tested on a large database. In an experiment in which the participants were chess experts, we found a high agreement between the similarity ratings of the chess players and the similarity ratings of the program. The results of the experiment confirmed the system's correct functioning and its ability to efficiently identify related positions.

Keywords:chess, automatic similarity recognition, similar chess positions, static and dynamic similarity, information retrieval

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