
Kmetijski ukrepi za varovanje habitata črne človeške ribice (Proteus anguinus parkelj) pred onesnaženjem z nitrati
ID Vodnik, Katarina (Author), ID Glavan, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Cvejić, Rozalija (Comentor)

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Črna človeška ribica (Proteus anguinus parkelj Sket & Arntzen) je endemična podvrsta, ki potrjeno živi na manj kot 3 km2 velikem območju zahodne Bele krajine. Za kraško krajino je značilno hitro in neposredno pretakanje vode skozi podzemlje, kar hkrati omogoča hiter prenos antropogenih onesnaževal, ki ogrožajo kakovost podzemne vode in ohranjenost podzemne biodiverzitete. Nitrati, ki izhajajo predvsem iz kmetijskih virov, kot so gnojila in odpadne vode, se lahko prek površinskih in podzemnih voda prenesejo v habitat človeške ribice. Zgornja meja koncentracije nitratov za ugodno kemijsko stanje habitata človeške ribice znaša 9,2 mg NO3-/l, izmerjene vrednosti v posameznih kraških izvirih pa presegajo 20 mg NO3-/l in predstavljajo resno tveganje za obstoj človeške ribice. Z uporabo modela SWAT, s katerim se ocenjuje vplive različnih scenarijev gospodarjenja z zemljišči in rabe zemljišč na izpiranje nitratov v podzemne in površinske vode, smo ugotovili, da prilagoditev kmetijskih kolobarjev, zmanjšanje gnojenja in uvedba ozelenitev, znatno zmanjšuje koncentracijo nitratov v vodi. Najbolj učinkoviti scenariji vključujejo kombinacije različnih ukrepov, kar bi lahko zmanjšalo izpiranja nitratov pod profil tal za več kot 30 % v primerjavi z obstoječo prakso. Rezultati validacije modela potrjujejo primernost modela SWAT za ocenjevanje vplivov kmetijskih dejavnosti na kraških tleh, hkrati pa poudarjajo potrebo po nadaljnjem prilagajanju kmetijskih praks za zaščito ranljivega habitata črne človeške ribice.

Keywords:kraški vodonosniki, SWAT, nitrat, kmetijstvo, kmetijsko-okoljski ukrepi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164528 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213772035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Agricultural measures to protect the habitat of the black olm (Proteus anguinus parkelj) against nitrates pollution
The black olm (Proteus anguinus parkelj Sket & Arntzen) is an endemic subspecies confirmed to live in an area of less than 3 km2 in the western Bela Krajina. The karst landscape is characterised by the rapid and direct flow of water through the underground, which at the same time allows the rapid transport of anthropogenic pollutants that threaten groundwater quality and the preservation of underground biodiversity. Nitrates, mainly from agricultural sources such as fertilisers and wastewater, can be transported via surface and groundwater to the habitat of olm. The upper limit of nitrate concentration for the acceptable chemical status of the habitat of the olm is 9.2 mg NO3-/l, while measured values in individual karst springs exceed 20 mg NO3-/l and pose a serious risk to the existence of the olm. Using the SWAT model, which assesses the impacts of different land management and land use scenarios on nitrate leaching to groundwater and surface water, we found that adjusting agricultural rotations, reducing fertilisation and introducing greening significantly reduces nitrate concentrations in water. The most effective scenarios involve combinations of different measures, which could reduce nitrate leaching below the soil profile by more than 30% compared to current practice. The results of the model validation confirm the suitability of the SWAT model for assessing the impacts of agricultural activities on karst soils, while highlighting the need for further adaptation of agricultural practices to protect the vulnerable habitat of the black olm.

Keywords:karst aquifers, SWAT, nitrates, agriculture, agro-environmental measures

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