Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the most important tools for the detection and diagnosis of epilepsy, as it allows for the direct monitoring of the brain's electrical activity. EEG is particularly significant due to its non-invasiveness and cost accessibility, placing it among widely available diagnostic methods suitable for regular use in clinical practice. In recent years, the development of deep learning in neuroscience has advanced significantly because increasingly large open-access datasets are available. In this study, we use two deep models to classify EEG signals into normal and abnormal classes. One is the more complex ChronoNet model, which achieves an accuracy of 82,12\% on the entire training dataset, and the other is the simpler ConvNet model, which achieves an accuracy of 66,66\% on the entire training dataset. Two different model capacities were selected to demonstrate how data augmentation approaches work with different models. The models were trained on the largest available EEG signal dataset, the TUAB collection. Data augmentation approaches in fields such as computer vision and natural language processing are already well-established; however, they are less explored for biological signals like EEG because EEG signals are complex and the selection of appropriate data augmentation approaches is less intuitive. Therefore, this work focuses on identifying the appropriate data augmentation approach that preserves the structure of the signal. With our approach, which combines Mixup (mixing samples only within the normal class) and sign flip, we achieved an improvement compared to not using data augmentation, increasing the accuracy on 10\% of the training dataset from 61,89\% to 66,09\%. Improvements were also achieved in other metrics such as F1-score, precision, and ROC AUC. These improvements were statistically significant, as demonstrated by the Wilcoxon test, where we obtained p-values below 0,05. For the simpler ConvNet model, improvements were achieved but were not statistically significant.