
Razvoj orodja za etično hekanje brezžičnih omrežij
ID DIETNER, MITJA (Author), ID Sedlar, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na varnost brezžičnih omrežij, kar je pomembno področje v kibernetski varnosti zaradi množične uporabe Wi-Fi omrežij. Glavni cilj je bil raziskati ranljivosti brezžičnih omrežij in razviti orodje, ki omogoča preizkušanje varnosti teh omrežij na zakonit in etičen način. Na začetku so predstavljeni pojem kibernetske varnosti in pomembni principi, ki zagotavljajo varnost informacij. V teoretičnem delu naloge so v kronološkem zaporedju obravnavani protokoli 802.11 IEEE standarda, ter znani napadi nanje, vključno z deavtentikacijskimi napadi, zajemom rokovanja in napadi s slovarjem ter z uporabo surove sile. Nato sledi pregled obstoječih orodij za hekanje brezžičnih omrežij. V praktičnem delu je opisan razvoj prototipa orodja v programskem jeziku Python. Orodje ima preprost uporabniški vmesnik in omogoča izvajanje različnih napadov na brezžična omrežja. Dodatno je predstavljena tudi implementacija napada zlobnega dvojčka, s katerim lahko zavedemo naključnega uporabnika in preko lažne prijavne strani pridobimo dostop do zaupnih podatkov. Zaključek naloge vključuje priporočila za izboljšanje varnosti domačih omrežij in pravilno nastavitev lastne dostopovne točke.

Keywords:kibernetska varnost, brezžična omrežja, Raspberry Pi, Kali Linux, 802.11
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164450 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:220716035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a tool for ethical hacking of wireless networks
The thesis focuses on the security of wireless networks, an important area in cyber security due to the widespread use of Wi-Fi networks. The main goal was to explore the vulnerabilities of wireless networks and develop a tool that allows testing the security of these networks in a legal and ethical manner. The thesis begins by introducing the concept of cyber security and the key principles that ensure information security. The theoretical part chronologically addresses the 802.11 IEEE standard protocols and the known attacks against them, including deauthentication attacks, handshake capture, dictionary attacks, and brute-force attacks. Following that is a review of existing tools for hacking wireless networks. In the practical part, the development of a prototype tool in the Python programming language is described. The tool has a simple user interface and allows for the execution of various attacks on wireless networks. Additionally, the implementation of an evil twin attack is presented, which can deceive a random user and, through a fake login page, gain access to confidential data. The conclusion includes recommendations for improving the security of home networks and the correct setup of one's own access point.

Keywords:cyber security, wireless networks, Raspberry Pi, Kali Linux, 802.11

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