
Načini zdravljenja rakastih obolenj s hipertermijo
ID Ramšak, Tamara (Author), ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Rakasta obolenja so eden glavnih vzrokov umrljivosti ljudi na svetu. Eden izmed načinov zdravljenja rakastih obolenj je hipertermija. Začetki uporabe toplote za namene zdravljenja segajo že v leto 3000 pr. n. št., uporaba je opisana v različnih kulturah. Hipertermija je način zdravljenja, kjer sistemsko ali lokalno omejeno segrevamo telo ali dele telesa z zunanjimi viri, z namenom uničenja tumorskih celic ali povečanja učinkov drugih terapij, kot sta radioterapija in sistemsko zdravljenje. Glede na obseg segrevanja telesa ločimo lokalno, regionalno in hipertermijo celega telesa. Metoda ima malo negativnih stranskih učinkov, zelo redki so resnejši stranski učinki. Učinki toplote na tumorske celice so lahko direktni ali indirektni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s sistematičnim pregledom literature raziskati in opisati zdravljenje s hipertermijo. Predstavili bomo kaj je hipertermija, različne vrste, njeno zgodovino in napredek skozi čas ter vpliv hipertermije na tumorske celice. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo s sistematičnim pregledom literature. Iskanje je potekalo v času med 10.12.2023 in 28.2.2024, na različnih podatkovnih bazah. Uporabili smo literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Literaturo smo izbrali s pomočjo vključitvenih in izključitvenih faktorjev. Postopek zbiranja in izločanja literature smo naredili po metodi PRISMA. Rezultati: Ugotovitve člankov, zajetih v sistematični pregled literature smo predstavili v tabeli, kjer smo opisali 20 člankov. Osredotočili smo se na učinkovitost zdravljenja s hipertermijo pri različnih rakastih obolenjih in v različnih kombinacijah z drugimi zdravljenji. Razprava in zaključek: Na podlagi pregleda literature smo ugotovili, da je hipertermija, kot dopolnilno zdravljenje učinkovit dodatek, ki izboljša stopnjo preživetja in poveča učinkovitost zdravljenja rakastih obolenj, brez da bi bolnikom povzročala veliko dodatnih in hudih negativnih posledic.

Keywords:Hipertermija, rakasta obolenja, zdravljenje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164284 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.10.2024
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Title:Methods of treatment of cancerous diseases with hyperthermia
Introduction: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death on earth. Hyperthermia, among others, is a type of cancer treatment. The beginnings of the use of heat for healing purposes date back to 3000 BC. It is a treatment in which body parts or the whole body are systematically or locally heated by external sources in order to destroy cancer cells or increase the effects of other types of therapy, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The method has few negative side effects, but serious side effects are very rare. The effects of heat on tumor cells can be direct or indirect. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to research and describe the hyperthermia treatment, its different types, its history and progression over time and the impact it has on tumor cells. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a systematic review of literature. The search took place between 10.12.2023 and 28.2.2024 on various databases. We searched literature in slovenian and english language. Literature was selected with the help of inclusion and exlusion factors. The process of collecting and extracting literature was done according to the PRISMA method. Results: The findings of the articles included in the systematic literature review are presented in a table below, in which we described 20 articles. We focused on the effectiveness of treatment with hyperthermia in various cancer types and in different combinations with other treatments. Discussion and conclusion: Based on a review of the literature, we found that hyperthermia, as an adjunctive treatment, is an effective adjucnt that improves survival rates and increases the effectiveness of cancer treatment without causing many additional and severe negative consequences to patients.

Keywords:Hyperthermia, cancer, treatment

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