
Pope Benedict XVI’s critique of legal positivism with special regards to the role of tradition in contemporary legal systems
ID Žepič, Vid (Author)

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Pope Benedict XVI’s 2011 address to the Bundestag can be interpreted as a comprehensive synthesis of his perspective on the foundations of law as a subsystem within society. He underscored the paramount importance of constitutional democracy and the state, governed by an implementation of the rule of law that is both free and dedicated to upholding human dignity. Furthermore, he exhorted politicians and citizens alike to persistently pursue justice, to critically assess the law as responsible individuals, and to aspire to higher moral standards. In addition to this, he cast doubt on the adequacy of scientific legal positivism and scientism in comprehending law and the realm of reason. Stemming from his scepticism concerning the sufficiency of positivism in the formulation and interpretation of law, he emphasized the significance of European “legal heritage”. According to Benedict, this tradition originated from the cultural triangle of Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome, and serves as an indicator of a “rational legal order”. As Pope Benedict XVI’s address was directed towards scholars in the field of jurisprudence and legal historians, my analysis of the speech is accompanied by a brief examination of the role of the notion of “legal tradition” within the selected European contemporary legal systems.

Keywords:legal tradition, constitutional democracy, human rights, criticism of legal positivism, natural law, Bundestag speech, European cultural triangle
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2023
Number of pages:Str. 623-635
Numbering:Letn. 83, [št.] 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164207 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0006-5722
DOI:10.34291/BV2023/03/Zepic This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178839555 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Bogoslovni vestnik : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Bogosl. vestn.
Publisher:Teološka fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:8745472 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Secondary language

Title:Kritika pravnega pozitivizma papeža Benedikta XVI. s posebnim ozirom na vlogo tradicije v sodobnih pravnih sistemih
Nagovor papeža Benedikta XVI., ki ga je imel v nemškem zveznem parlamentu leta 2011, lahko razumemo kot sintezo njegovega razumevanja temeljev prava kot družbenega podsistema. V njem ni orisal le pomena ustavne demokracije in svobodne pravne države, ki naj bi bila zavezana predvsem spoštovanju človekovega dostojanstva, temveč je politike in državljane pozval k doslednemu iskanju in prevpraševanju pravičnosti ter k odgovorni kritičnosti posameznika do pozitivnega prava. Podvomil je v zadostnost znanstvenega pozitivizma na področju prava in scientizma v sferi znanosti. Izhajajoč iz dvoma o zadostnosti pozitivizma pri postavljanju in razumevanju prava je kot enega od kazalcev ‚razumne‘ pravne ureditve omenil tudi ‚evropsko pravno dediščino‘. Ta se je po prepričanju Benedikta napajala iz izkušenj kulturnega trikotnika s topografskimi oglišči v Jeruzalemu, Atenah in Rimu. Ker je z opisano mislijo nagovoril tudi pravne teoretike in zgodovinarje, poleg analize papeževega govora v prispevku prikazujem sodobni pomen pojma ‚pravno izročilo‘ v izbranih evropskih pravnih sistemih.

Keywords:pravno izročilo, ustavna demokracija, človekove pravice, kritika pravnega pozitivizma, naravno pravo, govor v Bundestagu, evropski kulturni trikotnik

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