
Učinki vadbe proti uporu v polnem in delnem obsegu giba na hipertrofijo skeletnih mišic - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Žučko, Maruša (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hlebš, Sonja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Stopnja hipertrofije skeletnih mišic, kot posledica vadbe proti uporu, je med drugimi parametri odvisna tudi od obsega giba. Preko manipuliranja le-tega lahko izoliramo specifične mišice ali mišične skupine, ki jih želimo razviti. Prav tako vplivamo na napetost v mišici in konstantnost kontrakcije, ki preko hipoksične stimulacije facilitirata anabolne mišične procese. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom literature ugotoviti, kako vadba proti uporu v različnih obsegih giba vpliva na hipertrofičen odziv skeletnih mišic. Metode: V diplomskem delu je bil izveden sistematičen pregled literature. Ta je bila iskana v angleščini v podatkovni bazi PubMed s kombinacijo ključnih besed hypertrophy AND full range of motion, partial range of motion oz. exercise range of motion. V analizo je bilo vključenih pet randomiziranih kontroliranih raziskav, objavljenih do januarja 2024. Rezultati: Kadar je čas mišice pod napetostjo poenoten, ima vadba proti uporu pod izokinetičnimi koncentričnimi pogoji v celotnem obsegu giba primerljive hipertrofične izide za m. vastus lateralis kot vadba proti uporu v delnem obsegu giba. Rezultati pri netreniranih posameznikih favorizirajo vadbo v začetnem delnem obsegu giba, tj. pri daljših mišičnih dolžinah, pred vadbo v končnem delnem obsegu giba za hipertrofijo m. gastrocnemius in zlasti distalni del mišic rectus femoris, vastus lateralis in biceps brachii. Pri treniranih posameznikih ima vadba v srednjem delnem obsegu giba prednost pred vadbo v polnem obsegu giba pri hipertrofiji m. triceps brachii. Razprava in zaključek: Zaradi heterogenosti dosedanjih raziskav je težko oblikovati enoznačne zaključke, vendar dokazi kažejo, da optimalen anabolni stimulus za mišice predstavlja povečana mehanska obremenitev, aplicirana na podaljšano mišico. Hkrati je pomembno ohranjanje hipoksične hipertrofične stimulacije mišic, ki spodbuja sproščanje rastnega hormona. Znotraj različnih porcij obsega giba vaje so specifični deli mišic oz. mišičnih skupin različno optimalno stimulirani, kar je potrebno v prihodnosti bolje raziskati, kot tudi to področje kot celoto.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, hipertrofija skeletnih mišic, celoten obseg giba, delen obseg giba, vadba proti uporu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Žučko]
Number of pages:25 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164197 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211973635 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of full and partial range of motion resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Skeletal muscle hypertrophy as an effect of resistance training is dependent upon the range of motion used, among other factors. By manipulating this factor, we can isolate the specific muscles or muscle groups we want to model. When doing so, we can also affect the time of muscle under tension and contraction, both of which help to stimulate anabolic muscle processes. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to review the literature researching how resistance exercise in different ranges of motion affect the hypertrophic response of skeletal musculature. Methods: A systematic review of 5 articles published up to January 2024 has been conducted. The articles have been found in the PubMed database by searching combinations of the following keywords: hypertrophy AND full range of motion, partial range of motion and exercise range of motion, respectively. Results: When time under tension is equalized and isokinetic concentric mode of resistance training is used, training with full range of motion has similar effect as training with partial range of motion for vastus lateralis muscle hypertrophy. With untrained individuals, resistance training at longer muscle lengths i.e., in the initial range of motion, has proven to be more efficacious than training at shorter muscle lengths, when the goal is hypertrophy of gastrocnemius muscle and distal portions of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and biceps brachii muscles. In trained individuals training with partial range of motion is superior in eliciting triceps brachii hypertrophy in comparison to training with full range of motion. Discussion and conclusion: Because all of the studies published up to date are so heterogenous in nature, it is impossible to draw strong conclusions. But their results are mostly in favour of stimulating muscle hypertrophy by applying greater mechanical loads to muscles in their lengthened positions. Muscles also need to be stimulated under hypoxic conditions for enhanced growth hormone release. Different portions of resistance exercise optimally stimulate specific muscle parts or muscle groups, which welcomes further investigation as does this whole topic.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, skeletal muscle hypertrophy, full range of motion, partial range of motion, resistance exercise

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