
Tridimenzionalni geološko-geomehanski model tal za potrebe načrtovanja objekta na aluvialnih sedimentih reke Savinje pri Arji vasi : magistrsko delo
ID Mihevc, Nejc (Author), ID Verbovšek, Timotej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava izvedbo terenskih raziskav, pregled rezultatov raziskav in tridimenzionalnega inženirskogeološkega modela območja, predvidenega za gradnjo skladiščnega centra v poslovni coni Arnovski gozd pri Arji vasi. Tridimenzionalni inženirskogeološki model je izdelan na podlagi rezultatov terenskih geomehanskih preiskav izvedenih na območju. Magistrsko delo opisuje izvedbo terenskih raziskav, digitalizacijo rezultatov inženirskogeoloških raziskav, analizo terenskih raziskav ter izdelavo tridimenzionalnega inženirskogeološkega modela in predstavi implementacijo geoloških podatkov v BIM digitalni proces načrtovanja. V sklopu priprave inženirskogeološkega modela tal in priprave tridimenzionalnega geološko-geomehanskega dela so bile izvedene raziskave s statičnim konusnim penetrometrom (CPTu), dilatometrski testi (DMT), geomehanske vrtine in sondažni jaški. Izvedene terenske raziskave so bile načrtovane na podlagi pregleda obstoječih inženirskogeoloških in geomehanskih podatkov in podatkih o predvidenem objektu. Ugotovljeno je bilo menjavanje koherentnih in nekoherentnih zemljin v debelini do 20 m odloženih v pliocenu. Hribinsko podlago predstavlja lapor ali laporovec miocenske starosti. Rezultati izvedenih terenskih raziskav so v sklopu magistrskega dela digitalizirani in zbrani v programu Leapfrog. Na podlagi pregleda in analize podatkov so bile izdvojene inženirskogeološke enote, predstavljene v tridimenzionalnem geološkogeomehanskem modelu tal. Volumni posameznih inženirskogeoloških enot, ki gradijo model, so atributirani z karakterističnimi vrednosti geomehanskih parametrov, ki so bili uporabljeni pri nadaljnjem načrtovanju objekta. Izdelan tridimenzionalni geološko-geomehanski model je pripravljen za nadaljno implementacijo v zbirni BIM model, pripravljen v fazi načrtovanja objekta. Izdelan model je osnova za nadaljnje tridimenzionalne numerične analize ter popise zemeljskih del v sklopu projekta za načrtovanje elementov temeljenja.

Keywords:inženirska geologija, terenske preiskave, tridimenzionalni geomehanski model, BIM model, digitalni dvojček
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Mihevc
Number of pages:XV, 48 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164142 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:212690691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Three-dimensional geological-geomechanical model for warehouse design on alluvial deposits of Savinja river near Arja vas : master's thesis
The master's thesis deals with the implementation of site investigations, gathering, review and analysis of site investigation results and design of a three-dimensional engineering-geological model. A three-dimensional engineering-geological model is designed based on the results of geological and geomechanical site investigations. The master's thesis describes the implementation of field investigations, the digitization of the field investigation results, the analysis of field surveys and the design of a three-dimensional engineering geological model. Final three-dimensional model is designed for further implementation in the BIM digital planning process. Site investigation included static cone penetrometer (CPTu), dilatometer tests (DMT) and geomechanical boreholes and trial pits. Site investigations were planned based on a review of existing engineering-geological and geomechanical data and designed infrastructure in idea phase. An alternation of Pliocene fine and coarse grained soils up to 20 m thick was found. The rockmass is represented by marl of Miocene age. As part of the master's thesis, the results of field investigations were digitized and collected. Digital twin of field data was done in the Leapfrog program. Based on digital twin results were analysed and consolidated to individual engineering geological units modelled as volumes attributed with the characteristic values of the geomechanical parameters, that were used in the further planning and structural design of the facility. The created three-dimensional geological-geomechanical model is ready for further implementation in the integrated BIM model, prepared in the design phase of the facility. The created model is the basis for further three-dimensional numerical analyzes and inventories of earthworks as part of the warehouse facility design project.

Keywords:Engineering geology, site investigations, threedimensional model, BIM model, digital twin

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