
Ustvarjalne aktivnosti v delovni terapiji za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami : diplomsko delo
ID Žagar, Nives (Author), ID Oven, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lebar, Cecilija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pri osebah s širokim spektrom potreb in težav se ustvarjalne aktivnosti v delovni terapiji uporabljajo že od začetka obstoja stroke, saj imajo veliko terapevtsko vrednost. Osebe s posebnimi potrebami so zaradi svojih posebnosti pogosto stigmatizirane, njihove potrebe, misli, želje in čustva pa ostajajo slabo razumljene. Samoizražanje je pomembno za uspešno socialno interakcijo in vsakodnevno funkcioniranje. Zaradi komunikacijskih ovir morajo osebe s posebnimi potrebami to, kar je znotraj njih, izraziti drugače, na primer na ustvarjalen način. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je sistematično pregledati literaturo, ki raziskuje pomen in pozitivne učinke ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Metode dela: Sledili smo smernicam Centre for Reviews and Dissemination in izvedli sistematičen pregled literature. Iskanje je na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev potekalo v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, ERIC, OTseeker, PubMed in Web of Science. Poslužili smo se tudi ročnega pregledovanja referenc za iskanje dodatne literature. Literaturo smo deskriptivno in tematsko analizirali. Rezultati: Glede na vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije je bilo v končno analizo vključenih deset virov, ki smo jih ocenili po kakovosti. Identificirali smo pet tem, ki so se ponavljale v vključenih raziskavah in bile pozitivni izsledki uporabe ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi kot medij za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami: samoizražanje in predelovanje čustev, dobro počutje, socialna interakcija in grajenje skupnosti/odnosov, osebna rast in samozavest ter zapolnitev okupacijske praznine. Razprava in zaključek: Ustvarjalne aktivnosti v delovni terapiji zagotavljajo medij za samoizražanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami. Z različnimi materiali in simboli ponujajo alternativen način komunikacije in omogočajo izražanje skozi ustvarjalen proces. Izvajajo se v varnem in spodbudnem okolju, ki omogoča izražanje brez obsojanja. Najpogosteje se uporabljajo z namenom, da pri osebi okrepijo okupacijsko izvedbo, dobro počutje in samozavest, s čimer se zviša kakovost življenja. Potrebe po nadaljnjem raziskovanju na omenjenem področju so predvsem v slovenskem prostoru še velike, saj je samoizražanje še vedno slabo razumljen pojem, uporaba ustvarjalnih aktivnosti v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi kot medija za samoizraženje oseb s posebnimi potrebami pa neraziskana.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, delovnoterapevtska obravnava, ustvarjalnost, osebe z zmanjšano zmožnostjo, izražanje, terapevtska aktivnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Žagar]
Number of pages:31 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164127 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211868675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Creative activities in occupational therapy for self-expression of individuals with special needs : diploma work
Introduction: For people with wide spectrum of needs, creative activities have been used in occupational therapy since the very beginning of the profession as they have great therapeutic value. Individuals with special needs are often stigmatized because of their specialness – and their needs, thoughts, desires and emotions remain poorly understood. Self-expression is important for successful social interaction and daily functioning. Due to communication barriers, individuals with special needs have to express themselves in a different way, for example through creativity. Purpose: This systematic review aims to explore the meaning and positive effects of creative activities for self-expression of individuals with special needs. Methods: We followed the guidelines of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and conducted a systematic literature review. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria tudies were identified in the following databases: CINAHL, ERIC, OTseeker, PubMed and Web of Science. We also searched references manually to identify additional relevant sources. We also conducted descriptive and thematic synthesis. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis, which we evaluated to their quality. We identified five themes that were repeated in the included studies and were positive outcomes of using creative activities in occupational therapy intervention as media for self-expression of individuals with special needs: self-expression and emotional processing, well-being, social interaction and community or relationship building, personal growth and self-confidence and filling the occupational void. Discussion and conclusion: Creative activities provide a medium for self-expression of individuals with special needs. With different materials and symbols they offer an alternative way of communication and enable expression through the creative process,. They take place in a safe and encouraging environment that allows expression without judgement. They are most often used for strengthening occupational performance,, well-being and self-confidence, thereby increasing the quality of life. The need for durther research is still great, especially in Slovenia, as self-expression is still poorly understood concept, and the use of creative activities as a medium for enhancing self-expression of individuals with special needs is unexplored.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, occupational therapy intervention, creativity, people with disability, expression, therapeutic activity

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