
Resonanca med znanostjo in krščanskim naukom kot pot do resonančnosti pluralne družbe
ID Pohar, Borut (Author)

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V zahodni družbi za medsebojno odtujitev ljudi obstaja veliko razlogov. Mednje sodi tudi vera, ki temelji na razodetju, saj tega materialistična miselnost dojema kot nezanesljiv in za razvoj znanosti moteč vir védenja. V praksi takšno dojemanje razodetja, zlasti krščanskega, vodi do odtujitve med vernimi in nevernimi, saj imajo ti pripadnike razodete religije za nerazumne in neumne ljudi, s katerimi se je nesmiselno pogovarjati, ker naj bi živeli v neresnici in ovirali napredek. Vendar pa so se v zadnjem obdobju pojavile številne težnje, da je treba vero narediti razumno in smiselno: verujočim je treba spet povrniti izgubljeno dostojanstvo in jih narediti za enakovredne sogovornike civilne družbe. Eden od takšnih poskusov je tudi trinitarična naravna teologija iz ateizma v krščanstvo spreobrnjenega znanstvenika in teologa Alistra McGratha. Ta si je trinitarično naravno teologijo zamislil kot iskanje resonance med krščanskim naukom in izsledki znanosti, ki ima za rezultat ugotovitev razumnosti in smiselnosti krščanske vere. V tem članku trdimo, da je ugotovljeno izkustvo resonančnosti med vero in znanostjo eden od načinov, kako odtujitev med verujočimi in neverujočimi premostiti ter med njimi vzpostaviti resonančni odnos – ta je možen le, če oba sogovornika drug drugemu priznavata razumnost in smiselnost dialoških izhodišč. Prednost te metode vzpostavitve resonance je, da je znanstveno in teološko teoretično védenje javno dostopno, kar pomeni, da lahko pristnost izkustva resonančnosti med znanostjo in krščanskim naukom, o kateri govori McGrath, preveri vsak sam – in s tem naredi korak proti večji resonančnosti družbe, v kateri živimo.

Keywords:resonanca, znanost, religija, epistemične vrednote, sklepanje o najboljši razlagi, smiselnost, razumnost
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Publication date:01.01.2022
Number of pages:Str. 573-585
Numbering:Letn. 82, [št.] 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-164121 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0006-5722
DOI:10.34291/BV2022/03/Pohar This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:134627331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2024
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Bogoslovni vestnik = Theological quarterly : Glasilo Teološke fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
Shortened title:Bogosl. vestn.
Publisher:Univerza v Ljubljani, Teološka fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:8745472 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.

Secondary language

Title:Resonance between science and christian doctrine as a path to resonance in a pluralistic society
In Western society, there are many reasons why people are alienated from each other, one of which is that religion based on revelation is perceived by the materialistic mindset as an unreliable source of knowledge and as a distraction to the development of science. In practice, this perception of revela tion, especially Christian revelation, leads to alienation between believers and non-believers, since the latter regard the followers of revealed religion as unreasonable and stupid people with whom it is pointless to talk because they are said to live in untruth and obstruct the way of progress. However, in recent times there have been numerous attempts to make the Christian faith reasonable and senseful and to restore the lost dignity of believers and make them equal interlocutors in civil society. One such attempt is the Trinitarian natural theology of Alistair McGrath, a scientist and theologian who converted from atheism to Christianity. He conceived of Trinitarian natural theology as a search for a resonance between Christian doctrine and the findings of science, resulting in a conclusion about the reasonableness and sensefulness of the Christian faith. In this article, we argue that the established experience of resonance between faith and science is one way of bridging the alienation between believers and non-believers and establishing a resonant relationship between them since this is only possible if both interlocutors acknowledge the reasonableness and sensefulness of each other’s dialogical premises. The advantage of this method of establishing resonance is that scientific and theological theoretical knowledge is publicly available, which means that everyone can verify for himself the authenticity of the experience of resonance between science and Christian doctrine that McGrath speaks of, and thus take a step towards a greater resonance of the society in which we live.

Keywords:resonance, science, religion, epistemic values, inference to the best explanation, sensefulness, reasonableness

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