
Arhitekture bločnih verig za okolje interneta stvari
ID Klemar, Klemen (Author), ID Trček, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naprave interneta stvari se pogosto soočajo z velikimi varnostnimi tveganji in omejitvami, kot so ranljivosti za kibernetske napade in težave pri zagotavljanju celovitosti podatkov. Cilj te naloge je reševanje teh izzivov z integracijo tehnologije veriženja blokov in interneta stvari (angl. Internet of Things, IoT). Naša začetna ideja je bila prilagoditev jedra Bitcoin, da bi ustvarili lahko bločno verigo za IoT, vendar smo zaradi njegove kompleksnosti ugotovili, da je ta pristop prezahteven in nepraktičen. Po raziskovanju in analiziranju primernih rešitev smo izbrali IoTeX zaradi njegove razširljivosti in učinkovitosti ter njegovih varnostnih funkcij, prilagojenih aplikacijam IoT. Z ogrodjem W3bstream smo razvili DePIN (omrežje decentralizirane fizične infrastrukture) aplikacijo za varen, decentraliziran ekosistem za spremljanje okolja, ki uporabnike za prispevanje zajetih podatkov s senzorjev spodbuja z žetonskimi nagradami in s tem zagotavlja zanesljivo in razširljivo omrežje.

Keywords:veriženje blokov, internet stvari, IoTeX, spremljanje okolja, trajnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163635 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:215089923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2024
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Title:Blockchain architectures for IoT environment
Internet of Things devices often face significant security risks, such as vulnerabilities to cyber attacks and data integrity issues. This thesis aims to address these challenges by integrating blockchain technology and Internet of Things (IoT). Our initial idea was to modify the Bitcoin Core to create a lightweight blockchain solution suitable for IoT environment; however, due to its complexity, we found this approach too complicated and impractical. After researching and analyzing suitable solutions, we chose IoTeX for its scalability, efficiency and security features tailored to IoT applications. Using W3bstream framework, we developed a DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network) application for a secure, decentralized environmental monitoring ecosystem that incentivizes users with token rewards for contributing captured sensor data, ensuring a reliable and scalable network.

Keywords:blockchain, Internet of Things, IoTeX, environmental monitoring, sustainability

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