
Strategije kontekstualne adaptacije v prevodih slovenske otroške književnosti v poljščino
ID Cmiel, Marta (Author)

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Namen prispevka je analiza prevajalskih strategij tujih kulturnih prvin v slovenski otroški književnosti v poljščino. Zanimajo me načini kontekstualne adaptacije, uporabljeni glede na ciljnega naslovnika, pred-vsem pristop k prevodu lastnih in zemljepisnih poimenovanj. Ali so prevajalci bolj naklonjeni podomačevanju ali potujevanju? S tega vidika bom predstavila prevode del Ele Peroci, Josipa Jurčiča, Jane Bauer, Petra Svetine in Majde Koren, ki so izšli večinoma po letu 2015.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, otroška književnost, prevajanje v poljščino, podomačenje v prevodu, potujevanje v prevodu, kontekstualna adaptacija, slikanica, prevajanje lastnih imen
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:Str. 131-137
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163497 This link opens in a new window
DOI:10.4312/SSJLK.60.131-137 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:201667843 This link opens in a new window
Licenca navedena na pristajalni strani zbornika.
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2024
CMIEL, Marta, 2024, Strategije kontekstualne adaptacije v prevodih slovenske otroške književnosti v poljščino [online]. 2024. Ljubljana. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Record is a part of a monograph

Title:Podoba v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi : 60. seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture
Editors:Jerica Vogel
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:Založba Univerze
COBISS.SI-ID:198460419 This link opens in a new window
Collection title:Zbirka Seminar slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture
Collection numbering:60
Collection ISSN:2386-0561


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.

Secondary language

This article analyzes translation strategies of culturally specific elements in Polish translations of Slovenian children’s literature. It focuses on cultural context adaptation methods chosen for the target audi-ence, especially in strategies for translation of proper nouns and toponyms. Are the translators more likely to adapt the source text to the target language or to foreignize the translation? The analysis focuses on Polish translations of books by Ela Peroci, Josip Jurčič, Jana Bauer, Peter Svetina, and Majda Koren, mostly published after 2015.

Keywords:Slovene literature, children’s literature, translations into Polish, domestication in translation, foreignization in translation, contextual adaptation, picture book, translation of proper nouns

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