
Vpliv trajanja laktacije na razlike v lastnostih fermentiranega kozjega mleka iz ekološke in konvencionalne reje
ID Granda, Anže (Author), ID Treven, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V raziskavi smo analizirali vpliv načina reje (ekološki (EKO) in konvencionalni (KON) način) ter stadij laktacije na lastnosti fermentiranega kozjega mleka. Raziskava je zajemala 70 koz slovenske srnaste pasme, ki so bile razdeljene v EKO in KON skupino. Vzorci mleka so bili odvzeti enkrat mesečno, od junija do oktobra 2016. Iz odvzetih vzorcev mleka smo izdelali jogurt in kislo mleko. Podatki so pokazali, da je imelo obdobje laktacije vpliv na kemijsko sestavo mleka, in da so se razlike v reoloških lastnostih med EKO in KON skupino tekom laktacije razlikovale, vendar te razlike niso bile konsistentne. Razlik nismo zaznali tudi pri senzorični analizi izdelkov. Zaznali pa smo močno povezavo med reološkimi in kemijskimi lastnostmi mleka pri korelacijski analizi; bolj kot je bil izdelek čvrst, bolj je bil tudi koheziven in manj konsistenten ter obratno. Vidna je tudi korelacija med reološkimi lastnostmi in kemijsko sestavo; več kot je bilo prisotnih beljakovin in maščob, bolj je bil izdelek čvrst in konsistenten ter manj koheziven. Zaključek raziskave je, da način reje in stadij laktacije lahko vplivata na lastnosti fermentiranega kozjega mleka, vendar tega v našem poskusu zaradi premajhnega števila vzorcev mleka, nismo uspeli statistično potrditi. Prihodnje raziskave bi morale vključevati večje število vzorcev mleka in spremljanje več zaporednih laktacij ter izvesti dodatno analizo mikrokemijske sestave mleka in končnih izdelkov.

Keywords:drobnica, koze, ekološka reja, konvencionalna reja, kozje mleko, fermentirani izdelki, laktacija, trajanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163158 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:210720771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of lactation duration on the differences in the properties of fermented goat milk from organic and conventional farming
n the present study, we investigated the effect of the type of farming system (organic and conventional) and lactation stage on the properties of fermented goat’s milk. The study included 70 does of the Slovenian Alpine goat breed, which were divided into the organic or conventional group. Goat milk was sampled once a month, from June to October 2016 from each group. After sampling, we produced yoghurt and sour milk from the milk samples. The data showed that the stage of lactation had an effect on the chemical composition of the milk as well as on the differences in rheological properties of the organic and conventional groups, however, these differences were not consistent. We found no differences in the sensory analysis of the products either. However, we found a strong correlation between the rheological and chemical properties of milk; the firmer the product, the more cohesive and less consistent it was, and vice versa. A correlation between the rheological properties and the chemical composition was also visible; the more protein and fat present, the firmer and more consistent and less cohesive the product was. The conclusion of the study is that the type of farming system and the stage of lactation can influence the properties of fermented goat’s milk, but this could not be statistically confirmed in our experiment due to the insufficient number of samples. Future studies should include a larger number of milk samples and the observation of several consecutive lactations and perform additional analyses of the microchemical composition of milk and final products.

Keywords:mall ruminants, goats, organic farming, conventional farming, goat milk, fermented products, lactation, duration

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