
Zanesljivost in veljavnost merjenja telesne višine s prenosnim, po naročilu narejenim stadiometrom : diplomsko delo
ID Salkić, Lejla (Author), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Hlebš, Sonja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Telesna višina je eden od antropometričnih parametrov, ki jih navadno spremljamo pri ljudeh od spočetja do smrti. Za posameznika je inherentna značilnost, ki ima klinične posledice pri ocenjevanju stanja prehranjenosti, ocenjevanju indeksa telesne mase in diagnosticiranju osnovnih motenj pri otrocih in odraslih. Najpogostejša metoda, ki se uporablja za merjenje višine pri odraslih in starejših, je uporaba stadiometra ali antropometra. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti merske lastnosti postopka merjenja telesne višine s prenosnim, po naročilu narejenim stadiometrom (JaKa1). Metode dela: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 60 preiskovancev, 31 žensk in 29 moških. Meritve smo izvedli v dveh sejah, v razmiku 48 ur. Najprej smo izmerili telesno maso preiskovancev, temu pa so sledile tri izmenične zaporedne meritve telesne višine s stadiometrom JaKa1 in stadiometrom SECA 799. Meritve smo opravili v dopoldanskem času. Rezultati: Vrednosti telesne višine, izmerjene s stadiometrom SECA 799 in stadiometrom JaKa1 v obeh sejah, v treh zaporednih meritvah se niso statistično značilno razlikovale. Prav tako ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik med vrednostmi telesne višine, izmerjenih s stadiometrom SECA 799 in stadiometrom JaKa1 v prvi, drugi in tretji meritvi ter med povprečnimi vrednostmi. Obstajale pa so statistično pomembne razlike med meritvami s stadiometrom JaKa1 v prvi in drugi seji. Izmerjene vrednosti prvih meritev telesne višine s stadiometrom JaKa1 so bile prvi seji statistično značilno manjše (P = 0,018), v povprečju za 0,18 cm kot v drugi seji, vrednosti drugih meritev v prvi seji pa so bile v povprečju prav tako statistično značilno manjše (P = 0,035), v povprečju za 0,16 cm kot v drugi seji, v tretji seji pa ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik. Povprečne vrednosti meritev telesne višine, merjene s stadiometrom JaKa1, so se statistično značilno (P = 0,013) razlikovale pri meritvah v povprečju za 0,09 cm. Ponovljivost meritev s stadiometrom SECA 799 in JaKa1 je bila skoraj popolna, saj je intraklasni koeficient korelacije znašal od 0,999 do 1,000, z zelo ozkim intervalom zaupanja. Zanesljivost merjenja telesne višine s stadiometrom JaKa1 je bila odlična, saj je intraklasni koeficient korelacije znašal od 0,999 do 1,000, z zelo ozkim intervalom zaupanja. Standardna napaka merjenja je znašala od 0,001 do 0,012 cm, najmanjša zaznana sprememba pa od 0,40 do 0,72 cm. Merjenje telesne višine s stadiometrom JaKa1 je bilo veljavno, saj je koeficient korelacije znašal v povprečju okoli 1,000 (P < 0,0001). Interval ujemanja pri prvi meritvi je znašal 1,48 cm, pri drugi 1,64 cm, pri tretji 1,44 cm in za povprečje treh meritev 0,97 cm. Sistematična napaka je bila največja pri prvih meritvah in najmanjša pri tretjih meritvah, pri povprečju treh zaporednih meritev pa sistematične napake skoraj ni bilo. Večina meritev je bilo znotraj intervala skladnosti, pri prvi meritvi so bili štirje osamelci, pri drugi trije, pri tretji štirje in pri povprečnih vrednostih trije. Razprava in zaključek: Merjenje telesne višine s stadiometrom JaKa1 je ponovljiv, zanesljiv in veljavni postopek merjenja telesne višine. Priporočljiva je uporaba stadiometra JaKa1 na terenu.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, telesna višina, stadiometer, zanesljivost, veljavnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Salkić]
Number of pages:21 str., [3] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163086 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209802243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reliability and validity of body height measurement with a custom-made portable stadiometer : diploma work
Introduction: Body height is one of the anthropometric parameters that are usually monitored in humans from conception to death. It is an inherent characteristic of the individual that has clinical implications for the assessment of nutritional status, estimation of body mass index and diagnosis of underlying diseases in children and adults. The most common method of measuring height in adults and the elderly is the use of a stadiometer or anthropometer. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to determine the measurement characteristics of the method of measuring body height with a portable, custom-made stadiometer (JaKa1). Methods: Sixty people participated in the study (31 women and 29 men). The measurements were taken in two sessions 48 hours apart. The subjects' body mass was measured first, followed by three consecutive measurements of body height with a JaKa1 stadiometer and a SECA 799 stadiometer. The measurements were taken in the morning. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the height values measured with the SECA 799 stadiometer and the JaKa1 stadiometer in three consecutive measurements in both sessions. There were also no statistically significant differences between the body height values measured with the SECA 799 stadiometer and the JaKa1 stadiometer in the first, second and third measurements and the average values. However, there were statistically significant differences between the JaKa1 stadiometer measurements in the first and second sessions. The readings of the first height measurement with the JaKa1 stadiometer in the first session were statistically significantly smaller (P = 0.018), on average by 0.18 cm than in the second session, the readings of the other measurements in the first session were also statistically significantly smaller (P = 0.035), on average by 0.16 cm than in the second session, but there were no statistically significant differences in the third session. The mean values of the body height measured with the JaKa1 stadiometer differed statistically significantly (P = 0.013) by an average of 0.09 cm in the measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements with the SECA 799 and the JaKa1 stadiometer was almost perfect, with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.999 to 1.000, with a very narrow confidence interval. The reliability of the JaKa1 stadiometer height measurement was excellent, with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.999 to 1.000, with a very narrow confidence interval. The standard error of measurement was 0.001 to 0.012 cm, and the smallest detectable change was 0.40 to 0.72 cm. The measurement of body height with the JaKa1 stadiometer was valid, as the correlation coefficient averaged 1.000 (P < 0.0001). The interval of agreement was 1.48 cm for the first measurement, 1.64 cm for the second, 1.44 cm for the third and 0.97 cm for the average of the three measurements. The systematic error was largest for the first measurement and smallest for the third measurement, while the average of the three consecutive measurements showed almost no systematic error. Most measurements were within the concordance interval, with four overlaps in the first measurement, three in the second, four in the third and three in the averages. Discussion and conclusion: Height measurement with the JaKa1 stadiometer is a repeatable, reliable and valid method of height measurement. It is recommended that the JaKa1 stadiometer be used in practise.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, body height, stadiometer, reliability, validity

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