
Obravnavanje oseb s pedofilijo – kazenskopravni in kriminološki vidik
ID Zucchiati, Eva (Author), ID Filipčič, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pedofilija je motnja spolne preference. Ni vsakdo s pedofilijo storilec spolnega nasilja nad otroki in ni vsak storilec tovrstnega nasilja pedofilsko usmerjen. Nerazlikovanje prispeva k stigmi in ovira psihosocialno pomoč osebam s pedofilijo. Nemški preventivni projekt Dunkelfeld je pokazal, da terapija za osebe s pedofilijo zmanjša dejavnike tveganja za spolno nasilje nad otroki in pogostost uporabe posnetkov spolnih zlorab otrok. Tudi druge iniciative nudijo podporo osebam s pedofilijo ter storilcem spolnih kaznivih dejanj pri preprečevanju izvrševanja kaznivih dejanj. Izgleda, da v Sloveniji preventivna pomoč ni na voljo in da zanjo ni povpraševanja. Strokovno obravnavani so šele storilci kaznivih dejanj zoper spolno nedotakljivost otrok in sicer v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora ter v okviru uprave za probacijo. Povezovanje strokovnjakov iz kazenskopravnega sistema in sistema javnega zdravstva za namen obravnave storilcev doslej še ni bilo uspešno. Če se oseba o izvršitvi kaznivega dejanja zoper spolno nedotakljivost otrok zaupa zdravniku, ni povsem jasno hierarhično razmerje med KZ-1 in področnimi zakoni glede obveznosti prijave kaznivih dejanj. V kazenskih postopkih, ki tečejo zaradi kaznivih dejanj zoper spolno nedotakljivost, pa niso oproščeni dolžnosti pričanja. Podobno velja za psihologe, socialne delavce, zdravstveno osebje in druge osebe, ki se seznanijo s kaznivim dejanjem pri opravljanju poklica.

Keywords:pedofilija, stigmatizacija, preventivni projekt Dunkelfeld, psihosocialna pomoč, kazensko pravo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163034 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211365891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Treatment of individuals with pedophilia – penal and criminological aspect
Pedophilia is a sexual preference disorder. Not everyone with pedophilia commits sexual offences against children, and not every perpetrator is a pedophile. Failure to distinguish between the two contributes to stigma and hinders possibilities of psychosocial support for individuals with pedophilia. German Prevention Project Dunkelfeld has shown that the therapy for persons with pedophilia reduces risk factors for child sexual abuse and the frequency of child pornography offences. Other initiatives also provide support to individuals with pedophilia and sex offenders to prevent offences. It appears that in Slovenia, prevention and treatment scheme is not available, and that there is no demand for it. Treatment in Slovenia is only provided to child sexual offenders as a result of criminal procedure in the correction facilities and the Probation Administration. Collaboration between experts from the criminal justice system and public health system for the purpose of treating offenders has not yet been successful. If a person confides in a doctor on committing a child sexual abuse, the hierarchy of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Slovenia (KZ-1) and related laws, regarding a doctors’ duty to report a crime, is unclear. In sexual assault trials, they are not exempted from the obligation to testify. The same obligations apply to psychologists, social workers, healthcare personnel, and others, who become aware of a crime in line of their professional duties.

Keywords:pedophilia, stigmatization, Prevention Project Dunkelfeld, psychosocial support, criminal law

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