
Prenova sistemov informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologij v proizvodnem podjetju
ID SLOKAR, ROK (Author), ID Bešter, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za temo diplomskega dela sem izbral projekt prenove informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij v skupini Incom d. o. o., katerega del in sponzor sem bil tudi jaz. Cilj dela je, da podjetje moderniziramo z uporabo naprednih orodij in organizacije in s tem podpremo varno, stabilno in dolgoročno konkurenčno poslovanje, ki svoje odločitve temelji na čim boljših podatkih, upoštevajoč trende v kibernetski varnosti, ter si omogočimo sposobnost nadaljnjega razvoja. Tema je obsežna, zato se bom v svojem delu bolj osredotočil na samo proizvodnjo in integracijo proizvodnih sistemov, ki jih uporabljajo za nadzor in upravljanje strojev ter postrojenj za izdelavo sladoleda in čokolade. Obnove smo se lotili z analizo stanja na treh glavnih področjih: poslovni sistemi, IKT infrastruktura in kirbernetska varnost. Po ugotovitvi stanja na teh področjih smo prepoznali glavne težave, na podlagi katerih smo izdelali načrt prenove, si določili korake in časovnico prenove ter začeli iskanje partnerjev in ponudnikov rešitev na trgu. Pri izbiri izvajalcev smo poleg ekonomskega okvira investicij upoštevali tudi sposobnost partnerja pri podpori tako velike prenove kot tudi ustreznosti rešitve, ki jo ponuja. Glavni rezultati diplomskega dela vključujejo uspešno implementacijo novega glavnega centraliziranega sistema za upravljanje poslovnih funkcij, s katerim bomo lahko podpirali in sledili potrebam, ki jih bo podjetje imelo v prihodnosti. Uspešno smo ga integrirali s podpornimi sistemi in orodji za upravljanje proizvodnih in skladiščnih funkcij, katerih funkcionalnosti smo še dodatno razširili. Glavni centralizirani sistem bomo v prihodnosti še razširili na druga področja in podporna orodja, npr. orodja za podporo vzdrževanju in kakovosti. Prav tako smo s prenovo optičnega omrežja uspešno posodobili omrežne sposobnosti podjetja v smislu bolj stabilne in hitrejše povezljivosti in varnosti. Z nakupom in inštalacijo novih in bolj naprednih mrežnih elementov, kot so nova stikala in usmerjevalnik, smo z boljšo zaščito pred vdori omogočili varnejše poslovanje, občutno zmanjšali število izpadov in hkrati znižali zahtevnost upravljanja z omrežji, kar pripomore k boljši izkoriščenosti administratorjev omrežja.

Keywords:diplomsko delo, projekt prenove, IKT, analiza stanja, poslovni sistemi, kibernetska varnost, načrt prenove, partnerji, centraliziran sistem, integracija, optično omrežje, varnost, mrežni elementi, upravljanje omrežij, proizvodni sistemi, modernizacija, konkurenčno poslovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163022 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209806595 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Title:Renovation of Information and Communication Technology Systems in a manufacturing Company
For my thesis topic, I chose the project of renovating information and communication technologies at Incom d.o.o., a project I was part of and sponsored. The goal of the work is to modernize the company using advanced tools and organization, thereby supporting safe, stable, and long-term competitive operations based on the best possible data, considering trends in cybersecurity, and enabling further development capabilities. The topic is extensive, so in my work, I will focus more on the production itself and the integration of production systems used for controlling and managing machines and equipment for producing ice cream and chocolate. We approached the renovation by analyzing the current state in three main areas: business systems, ICT infrastructure, and cybersecurity. After assessing the state of these areas, we identified the main issues and created a renovation plan, setting steps and a timeline for the renovation, and began searching for partners and solution providers in the market. When selecting contractors, we considered not only the economic framework of the investments but also the partner’s ability to support such a large renovation and the suitability of the solution offered. The main results of the thesis include the successful implementation of a new centralized system for managing business functions, which will support and meet the company’s future needs. We successfully integrated it with supporting systems and tools for managing production and warehouse functions, further expanding their functionalities. In the future, we will extend the main centralized system to other areas and supporting tools, such as maintenance and quality support tools. Additionally, by renovating the optical network, we successfully upgraded the company’s network capabilities in terms of more stable and faster connectivity and security. By purchasing and installing new and more advanced network elements such as new switches and routers, we enabled safer operations with better protection against intrusions, significantly reduced the number of outages, and simultaneously lowered the complexity of network management, contributing to better utilization of network administrators.

Keywords:thesis, renovation project, ICT, business systems, cybersecurity, renovation plan, partners, solution providers, centralized system, business functions, integration, production systems, optical network, security, network elements, network management, modernization, competitive operations

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