
Recepcija razsvetljenstva in novih teoloških tokov ter njihova sinteza v času škofovanja ljubljanskega škofa Karla Janeza Herbersteina (1772–1787) : magistrsko delo
ID Tržan, Anže (Author), ID Štuhec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žnidaršič Golec, Lilijana (Comentor)

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Vpliv novih duhovnih tokov, ki so preko Dunaja, Italije, Porenja in Nizozemske zajeli avstrijsko duhovščino, ni obšel ljubljanskega škofa Karla Janeza Herbersteina (1772–1787), ki je različne nove pobude spoznaval med svojim študijem v Salzburgu in Rimu, pa tudi kot kanonik na Južnem Tirolskem. Pri tem njegov avkcijski katalog (1788) izpričuje, da se škof Herberstein kot predstavnik katoliškega razsvetljenstva ni mogel izključno omejiti na razsvetljensko razumevanje človeka. ob tem se zdi, da je našel ustrezen odgovor tako na avguštinski voluntarizem, ki je zanikal moč padlega razuma, kot tudi na skrajno naivni optimizem razsvetljenstva, ki je vse spoznanje pripisovalo le razumu. Katoliško razsvetljenstvo je namreč uspešno zajelo obe divergentni težnji, ko je po eni strani ohranjalo prvine janzenizma z njegovim poudarjenim, četudi pesimistično naravnanim individualizmom, po drugi pa je omogočilo recepcijo optimistične Wolffove razsvetljenske misli. Zdi se, da je ključ za razumevanje te sinteze pravzaprav v tomistični filozofiji, ki je po neuspehu t. i. jezuitske sinteze, s katero je bila katoliško misel potisnjena v smer empirizma, v moči Aristotelovega pojma analogije, ki jo je v krščansko misel uspešno vpeljal sv. Tomaž Akvinski, našla dober odgovor na protislovnost človeške narave. To je katoliškim razsvetljencem omogočilo drugačno razumevanje narave človeškega uma, ki je na ta način ostajal dovzeten za različne pomene jezika in je mogel stvarnost dojemati v njeni celotni razsežnosti, tako imanentni kot transcendentni, s čimer je bil odprt za krščansko razodetje, ne da bi kakorkoli zanikal vlogo razuma.

Keywords:Janez Karl Herberstein, janzenizem, reformno katolištvo, katoliško razsvetljenstvo, reforma, jezuitska sinteza, milost, človeška narava, avguštinizem, probabilizem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Tržan
Number of pages:308 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-163005 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211573251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Echoes of theological and other concepts in the ministry of the Ljubljana bishop Karel Janez Herberstein (1772-1787)
The influence of the new intellectual currents that swept the Austrian clergy through Vienna, Italy, the Rhineland and the Netherlands did not bypass the Bishop of Ljubljana, Johannes Karl Herberstein (1772–1787), who became acquainted with various new initiatives during his studies in Salzburg and Rome, as well as as a canon in South Tyrol, where he had excellent connections with the Viennese philo-Jansenist circle. In doing so, his auction catalogue (1788) testifies that Bishop Herberstein, as a representative of the Catholic Enlightenment, could not limit himself exclusively to an Enlightenment understanding of human nature. In doing so, he seems to have found an adequate answer both to Augustinian voluntarism, which denied the power of fallen reason, and to the extremely naïve optimism of the Enlightenment, which attributed all knowledge to reason alone. The Catholic Enlightenment successfully embraced both divergent tendencies, preserving the elements of Jansenism with its emphasized, albeit pessimistic, individualism on the one hand, and allowing the reception of Wolff's optimistic Enlightenment thought on the other. It seems that the key to understanding this synthesis actually lies in Thomistic philosophy, which, after the failure of the so-called Jesuit synthesis, that pushed Catholic thought in the direction of empiricism, offered as a solution Aristotle's notion of analogy, which was successfully introduced into Christian thought by St. Thomas Aquinas. Thus, the Catholic intellectuals found an adequate answer to the contradictions of human nature. This enabled them to understand in a different way the nature of the human reason, which in this way remained receptive to the different meanings of language and was able to perceive reality in its entirety, both immanent and transcendent, thus remaining open to Christian revelation without in any way denying the role of reason.

Keywords:Johannes Karl Herberstein, Jansenism, Reformed Catholicism, Catholic Enlightenment, Reform, Jesuit synthesis, grace, human nature, Augustinianism, probabilism

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