
Uvedba indeksa stanja naprave AHI za energetske transformatorje Elektro Gorenjske
ID Ribnikar, Lenart (Author), ID Gubina, Andrej Ferdo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na vpeljavo periodičnega izračuna indeksa stanja sredstva ali naprave (angl. Asset Health Index, AHI) za energetske transformatorje v podjetju distribucijskega sistemskega operaterja Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. Namen magistrskega dela je implementirati metodologijo za oceno stanja transformatorjev, ki temelji na različnih parametrih, ki so bili na voljo v času pisanja naloge. Izračun je predstavljen na podlagi temperaturne obremenitve, DGA analize, vrednosti furanov v olju, vrednosti vlage v olju ter starosti. S pomočjo programske opreme Apache Superset je bila narejena vizualizacija rezultatov, kar omogoča interaktivno spremljanje in analizo podatkov. Grafični uporabniški vmesnik omogoča spremljanje zgodovine AHI za posamezno napravo ter prikaz trenutnega stanja energetskih transformatorjev v distribucijskem omrežju. Poleg samega izračuna in prikaza AHI magistrsko delo raziskuje različne pristope k vzdrževanju sredstev. Predstavljeni so tako tradicionalni pristopi kot tudi napredne metode, ki temeljijo na stanju naprave. V delu so opisane potrebe in izzivi, s katerimi se srečujemo pri vpeljavi naprednega vzdrževanja. Magistrsko delo prispeva k izboljšanju vpogleda v distribucijsko omrežje Elektro Gorenjska, kar je ključni korak v smeri vpeljave naprednih metod vzdrževanja. Natančna ocena stanja transformatorjev omogoča boljše načrtovanje investicij, zmanjšuje tveganje okvar in podaljšuje življenjsko dobo naprav. Problematika AHI ni prisotna zgolj v slovenski elektrodistribuciji, temveč je to pereč problem na globalni ravni. S tem magistrskim delom se odpirajo vrata za nadaljnje raziskave in razvoj na področju pametnega vzdrževanja energetskih sredstev.

Keywords:Indeks stanja naprave, energetski transformator, upravljanje s sredstvi, elektro distribucijsko podjetje, Elektro Gorenjska, d. d.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-162996 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2024
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Title:Introduction of the Asset Health Index (AHI) for power transformers of Elektro Gorenjska
The master's thesis focuses on the implementation of periodic calculation of the Asset Health Index (AHI) for power transformers at the distribution system operator Elektro Gorenjska, d. d. The aim of the thesis is to implement a methodology for assessing the condition of transformers based on different parameters available at the time of writing. The calculation is presented based on temperature load, DGA analysis, furan in oil, moisture in oil, and age. Using the Apache Superset software, a visualization of the results was created, allowing interactive monitoring and analysis of the data. The graphical user interface enables tracking the history of the AHI for each device and displaying the current state of power transformers in the distribution network. In addition to the calculation and display of the AHI, the thesis explores various approaches to asset maintenance. Traditional approaches as well as advanced methods based on the condition of the device are presented. The thesis describes the needs and challenges encountered in implementing advanced maintenance. The master's thesis contributes to improving insight into the distribution network of Elektro Gorenjska, which is a key step towards the implementation of advanced maintenance methods. Accurate assessment of transformer conditions allows for better investment planning, reduces the risk of failures, and extends the apparent lifespan of the devices. The issue of AHI is not only present in the Slovenian electricity distribution but is a pressing problem worldwide. This master's thesis opens the door to further research and development in the field of smart maintenance of energy assets.

Keywords:Asset health index, energy transformer, asset management, distribution system operator, Elektro Gorenjska, d. d.

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